You Harm Yourself Without Even Realizing It

Even if it seems selfish, sometimes you have to think about yourself. The past is a thing of the past, focus on doing yourself good and enjoying the present.

You are harming yourself without even realizing it

Healthy self-love is fundamental and in no way equates with egoism. Cultivating your own feelings and emotions is of the utmost importance, because only those who love themselves can love others. But all too often we harm ourselves without realizing it.

You may think that you are doing yourself good by creating a perfect self-image to please others. Exactly the opposite is true: You’re adding yourself  damage to and respect yourself not.

You will then find some tips to help you become aware of this situation and stop harming yourself. Otherwise, over time, you will feel empty and depressed. 

Woman looks at emotional damage in the mirror

You do yourself harm when you say “yes” and mean “no”

Pleasing others is a common resolution. Many are raised to think they need to be kind to others at all times.

You look stupid if you refuse a request and if you refuse to do something, then you feel bad.

In today’s society, one is not used to taking “no” for an answer. But that has to be over. You are harming yourself by putting the needs of others before your own.

You come first, you have to value yourself. If you don’t, neither will the others.

Good practice is to say no when you want to. How many things do you hold back from being afraid of how others might react?

A “no” at the right time can be the beginning of a journey full of honesty with yourself and with others.

You harm yourself when you think you need to be perfect

Often times, you feel obliged to be perfect in the eyes of others. That only leads to fear of failure and of making mistakes, which alternate with feelings of guilt.

Woman harms herself and is sad

First of all, stop asking yourself to be perfect. You have to withdraw from the opinions of others.

If you let yourself be carried away by the opinion of others, then over time you are no longer yourself and transform yourself into the ideal of others.

It’s good to hear other opinions, but if you allow them to affect your personality, it will only harm you. You will not be happy if you are not yourself.  You will fail in trying to be perfect. Nobody is perfect.

You do yourself harm if you don’t indulge yourself

It’s good to set aside preferences for special moments, but if you keep putting off what you want to do, you will never enjoy it.

Holidays, a nap, a present, that jacket that you like so much …

Remember: You only live once  and the right moment is right now. Time goes by quickly and tomorrow you may not be able to do what you wanted so badly.

Stop putting off your plans. Start now!

Woman observes city and thinks about the damage done to her

Not only is it easy said, but also easy done! You are only standing in your own way and therefore only you can overcome these barriers.

If you want to indulge yourself, don’t suppress the desire. Life is there to be enjoyed, not to suppress longing desires.

You are harming yourself when you are not living in the present

In the course of life you make many mistakes that you later regret. But success lies in being able to accept that you are not perfect and to learn from all the things that have harmed you or that you have done to yourself.

Even so, one often becomes more attached to the past than is good.  It is often difficult to detach and break free from the past.

But this can consume you, make you bitter and sad. You have to overcome negative situations and learn from them in order not to repeat them.

The past is over, now is the time to live in the present. You only live here and now. That’s all that matters, enjoy the present.

Woman with trees thinks about emotional harm

Have you ever harmed yourself in one way or another? If you felt addressed, now is the time to learn a lesson and not repeat the same situation over and over again.

Start looking at things from a different angle and stop harming yourself.

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