Why The Complexion Of Our Skin Changes

Only when we consciously pay attention to it do we realize: the facial skin used to be more even?

Why the complexion of our skin changes

Over the years, the smallest changes creep into our skin. Because we see ourselves in the mirror every day, we hardly notice it.

Only when we consciously pay attention to it do we realize: Wasn’t the facial skin used to be more even? What are the reasons for that?

When we are born, our complexion is flawless and pure, as children we have such clear and pure facial skin that we will never have again afterwards.

Skin changes occur as early as puberty, which can affect the appearance of our skin in old age. But not only in puberty, also in later life there are some causes and reasons that lead to skin changes on the face. We’ll tell you which!


UV radiation and our complexion

In the course of our lives, our skin on the face is exposed to most of the UV rays in the entire body. Immediately afterwards the skin comes to the back of the hand. Hence the old wisdom that the best way to tell a person’s age is on their hands.

The UV radiation leads to visible skin changes. Of course, UV radiation also causes malignant skin changes (melanomas), but also completely harmless, sometimes temporary effects such as freckles.

UV radiation also accelerates skin aging and leads to increased wrinkling. The only prevention against sun-related skin changes is consistent sun protection. And that also in winter or on cloudy days.

There is now a large selection of day creams for the face and also hand creams that have a medium sun protection factor. Use such creams consistently so that you protect your skin against changes caused by UV radiation!



Acne is a skin disease that unfortunately does not only affect adolescents in puberty. “Acne tarda” can also affect adults. There are other causes of acne, but the effects on your facial skin are always the same.

Enlarged pores, pimples, annoying blackheads, small inflammations and ultimately small scars from pimples that have healed poorly. Acne leaves its mark on our face.

The only way to prevent acne scars like this is to heal acne, usually with hormonal drugs.

If the acne scars are bothersome, repeated use of fruit acid peelings or so-called “microdermabrasion” by the beautician can help make the acne scars a little less noticeable.



“Scars tell of life”, as an old saying goes. Some people begin to collect scars diligently as a child, some of them on their face as well.

Not only acne can lead to scars, but also other skin inflammations, injuries, minor surgical interventions or skin diseases. There is no real prevention.

Some people tend to have excessive scar tissue even if the wound heals without problems. If the scars are perceived as too annoying, fruit acid peeling or “microdermabrasion” can also reduce the visibility of the scars.

premature wrinkles


“Wrinkles are character traits” is another saying, which cannot be completely dismissed. Character traits dig into facial features over the years.

A pinched mouth creates puckered lines over the lip, constant brooding leads to dachshund lines on the forehead, displeasure and sadness to drooping corners of the mouth and anger to vertical forehead lines.

Such expression lines really show the essential character traits of a person with increasing age. Only you can ensure that your expression lines consist of laugh lines around your mouth and eyes by adopting a fundamentally positive attitude towards life.

In principle, however, wrinkles can be prevented with proper skin care, a healthy lifestyle and consistent skin protection. We all get wrinkles at some point, that’s just how time goes.

Only we ourselves have it in our hands whether we wear more or less pronounced wrinkles from life as a result of sunbathing, smoking, alcohol, poor nutrition and inadequate care!


Age spots

Such spots usually form on the face, the back of the hands and the arms. The older the person and the more UV rays his skin has received in life, the more stains. UV protection is the best prevention here too!

The so-called age spots appear on average from the age of 40, but can also start at a younger age because they are dependent on UV radiation. They are nothing to worry about as they are benign skin lesions.



We can also detect changes in the skin during pregnancy. The hormonal balance changes massively, which can lead to skin changes with larger dark spots.

Most of the time, however, such spots disappear again after pregnancy. Since they are not pathological and cannot develop skin cancer from them, they are not a cause for concern.

Other causes

There are of course many other causes that cause our skin to change over the years. Skin diseases still have the biggest impact, which we won’t cover in this article.

The skin changes mentioned above are part of life, but it’s up to you to counteract their development and development!

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