Why Gelatine Deserves A Place In Your Menu

Did you know that gelatine is not only rich in minerals and proteins that promote skin health, but also contains a lot of vitamin C and vitamin E? These vitamins support and strengthen our immune system

Why gelatine deserves a place in your menu

We are sure that you have already noticed in the school canteen, in the cafeteria or in the hospital that gelatine is served quite often .

While gelatine is fun for children as a jelly, it is not a dessert in the traditional sense. It is not just any food.

It is a readily available source of vitamins, minerals, and proteins. Did you know, for example, that we can use gelatine to support the regeneration of cartilage and joints?

From today you will no longer see it only as dessert for children. In this article you will learn how you and your body can benefit from this great food.

Let’s start wiggling.

1. What is gelatin made of?

You may be interested to know that the pharmaceutical industry uses gelatin to coat a wide variety of the drugs we take. In this way, the pharmaceuticals get to their destination without causing damage or being harmed on the way there.

If you have ever asked yourself what gelatine actually is, then today we will give you the answer: It is made from collagen, among other things, from the connective and supporting tissue of animals.

When we buy the little gelatin sachets in the supermarket that help us to bake cakes, they contain a white powder that is largely made up of exactly these collagen proteins. Here is a list of the ingredients :

  • 84-90% proteins
  • 1 – 2% minerals
  • water

It is free from preservatives, cholesterol and uric acid.

2. Gelatin has an anti-inflammatory effect


It contains the active ingredient glycine. This is an anti-inflammatory substance that relieves both infectious and non-infectious inflammation. Glycine also helps regenerate damaged tissue.

  • Glycine helps prevent bacterial infections and bleeding.
  • If we suffer from circulatory disorders or liver problems, regular consumption of gelatine is a worthwhile therapy supplement.
  • It stimulates the cleansing of the liver and the elimination of toxins.
  • We protect ourselves from ulcers and arthritis.

3. For strong nails, strong hair and radiant skin

Gelatine is hardly known for this effect, but it strengthens nails and hair immensely. Regular consumption of gelatin leads to a refined complexion that makes us look young.

  • The development of nails and hair takes place through a process called keratinization. Nails and hair largely consist of keratin and keratinization is therefore a basic requirement for their health. But the outer skin layer also protects with keratin and therefore also benefits from gelatin.
  • In order for the keratinization to take place, some amino acids are necessary, which are provided by gelatin.

4. Stimulates the metabolism

Gelatin Metabolism

It is not only a very low-calorie food that provides vitamins, minerals and proteins at the same time, but is also able to stimulate thermogenesis and the metabolism.

We recommend combining them with sour fruits. Oranges, grapefruit, plums and strawberries are great to use with the gelatine to enchant your breakfast.

This is how you give your body a vitamin boost for the day and start it with an active metabolism that allows you to burn fat.

5. Strengthens the immune system

Gelatine should have a permanent place in our diet and that of our families, including children and the elderly.

  • It is free from cholesterol and fats and is able to strengthen our defenses in order to avoid those annoying colds that bother us again and again, especially at this time of the year.
  • It consists almost entirely of proteins, some vitamins and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus.

Orange gelatine and ginger for the immune system

Orange gelatin


  • 1 sachet of tasteless gelatine (10 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 g)
  • 2 oranges
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger (5 g)


  • First, we squeeze the oranges and then extract their juice. To do this, we cut the oranges in half and keep the half peel after pressing. We will use them later as bowls to present our gelatine nicely.
  • When we have the orange juice, we mix it with the gelatin. If you want, you can filter the orange juice beforehand. Then lumps are less likely to form.
  • In the meantime, we heat the water and then add the orange-gelatine mixture. It is important to keep stirring until the orange and gelatin are well mixed with the water.
  • When the water is boiling, we add cinnamon and ginger. Fresh ginger that we grated ourselves is best.
  • Finally, add this delicious mixture to the orange halves. Place them on a suitable surface so that they do not leak. When the gelatine has cooled down and set, you can admire your healthy masterpiece and enjoy it!

Here we have a delicious, healthy dessert that is sure to bring a lot of joy to your family!

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