Which Type Of Chocolate Is The Healthiest?

Chocolate is healthy! But not every variety. Because chocolate often contains a lot of sugar and other additives that make it harmful to health. Find out interesting facts about the healthiest types of chocolate today!

Which type of chocolate is the healthiest?

Chocolate, the most tender temptation, is good for the soul, but bad for the figure. However, it depends on which type of chocolate you choose: some are actually harmful to your health, but others you can enjoy without hesitation. The right choice is crucial!

In stores you will find a wide variety of types, combinations and presentations. But which type of chocolate is actually healthy? So that you are spoiled for choice, we are informing you about this topic today.

The healthiest type of chocolate: Without sugar!

If you want to enjoy chocolate while also maintaining your health, don’t forget the harmful effects of sugar. It does not provide the necessary nutrients, but among other things increases the risk of obesity. In addition, sugar generally has a negative impact on metabolic health,  as reported in an article in Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences .

But even if chocolate is advertised as “sugar-free”, this is by no means a guarantee. Artificial sweeteners that replace sugar are also not good for your health. They damage the intestinal microbiota and are associated with an increased risk of insulin resistance.

For this reason, you should always choose chocolate that is  high in cocoa. It should be at least 75 percent!

the best type of chocolate
There are countless types of chocolate on the market. However, if your health is important to you, you should opt for varieties that contain at least 75 percent cocoa.

Cocoa and its antioxidant properties

Cocoa is characterized by lipids and phytonutrients that have excellent antioxidant effects. This was confirmed, among other things, in a study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology .

Regular consumption of cocoa is excellent for preventing cell aging. This allows you to take precautions against premature aging and prevent various diseases in the medium and long term. 

White chocolate is not healthy!

Many products with chocolate contain very little cocoa. White chocolate also belongs to this group, because it  consists largely of fat and sugar. 

White chocolate hardly provides any nutrients and is harmful to health. You should avoid it as much as possible.

Another example is chocolate spreads with dried fruits (e.g. hazelnuts). They contain a lot of sugar and unhealthy fats and are therefore harmful, even if they taste good and have excellent organoleptic properties.

They hardly provide any nutrients, but they contain many harmful ingredients. You should therefore only give these spreads to your children in exceptional cases and it is better to use healthy alternatives.

the best type of chocolate
White chocolate is high in sugar and unhealthy fats, so avoid it if possible.

Healthy type of chocolate

There is definitely a place for chocolate in a healthy, varied diet. Make sure to choose chocolate that is high in cocoa and contains as little sugar (or sweetener) as possible. Remember that artificial sweeteners are not a healthy alternative to high glycemic carbohydrates. They have a negative effect on the microbiota and change the metabolism.

When shopping, you should make sure that not all chocolate products actually contain cocoa. If this is not the case, then of course the important antioxidants in cocoa cannot be found in it either.

You can incorporate healthy chocolate into your diet regularly without feeling guilty. It is suitable as a snack between meals or, for example, in combination with fruit or dairy products. You can also use it to make delicious desserts with high-quality, healthy ingredients. Use as little white flour and sugar as possible.

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