What Is The Secret Of A Happy Relationship?

Love always starts with yourself first, because you cannot give what you don’t have. This is why you should learn to love yourself first before you can love someone else.

What is the secret of a happy relationship?

Most of us are constantly stressed and overworked. We try to do many things at the same time without being able to concentrate on the essentials. Many spend their little free time in front of the television or in social networks. But how does this affect  your relationship  with others?

How can you have a happy  relationship  and find time for others despite the stress and rush?

Loving, honest relationship: what’s the secret?

Start with yourself!

Many people fear loneliness. Some even sacrifice the quality of a relationship just to avoid being alone. This fear of loneliness is an expression of the fact that we shy away from our own emotions. Because some of these can be uncomfortable and painful.

Therefore, many prefer to distract themselves from deep thoughts about themselves. But if you don’t know your own emotional needs and never look inside, you  go through life with a mask on. You need to recognize and accept your strengths and weaknesses instead of seeking approval from others.

The roots of the evil often lie in childhood. Because if children do not learn to understand their emotions, if they are ignored, hurt or humiliated, it  has very negative consequences for their whole life.

Healthy self-love and a strong sense of self-worth enable you to love other people. But when you cannot love yourself, you are constantly looking to fill your emotional emptiness. Often this is done through superficial, fake relationships that end painfully over time.

Also discover: Evidence of love in relationships: How stable are you?

honest relationship and love

Honest love

Once you have learned to love and appreciate yourself, you can give your love to others. You are then able to give and receive true love. 

You can now build a relationship with someone, learn and grow with them, have fun and enjoy life.

There is no possession, wealth or luxury to replace the perfection of unconditional love. Your self-love now enables you to build trust in others and feel security. You are no longer dependent on the approval or love of others, but you will be able to experience and enjoy them right now.

However, if you do not accept and understand yourself, any relationship is doomed to fail. The best medicine is therefore to look inside and discover, accept and love yourself!

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