What Happens In Our Body When We Eat Ripe Bananas

Ripe bananas stimulate the formation of new white blood cells and strengthen the immune system. They also have a positive effect on the circulatory system and promote the absorption of calcium.

What happens in our body when we eat ripe bananas

What happens when you eat ripe bananas ? They are very tasty and should have a permanent place in our menu. And not just because of their taste.

It has been proven that the ripe bananas contain important nutrients that are beneficial to our health.

Some time ago we reported on the properties of the banana that justify its use to reduce depression, to stimulate brain function, to combat high blood pressure and in general for the prophylaxis of a wide variety of diseases.

Thanks to a recent study, another area is now known in which very ripe bananas can be used.

Tumor necrosis factor in ripe bananas

While the banana is ripening, its yellow skin initially turns dark in some places until the spots finally affect the whole fruit.

Some people no longer like bananas in this state, they are then very sweet and have a different, perhaps less pleasant texture.

However, only a few people are aware that the positive effects of bananas on the organism and especially on the immune system increase as the skin becomes darker.

A recent study by Japanese scientists found that ripe bananas contain the cytokine TNF (tumor necrosis factor).

This cytokine plays an important role in the immune system, is released by defense cells and then acts on other cells.

This ingredient makes the ripe bananas a food that can help fight cancer. Cytokine is so effective that it is effective against abnormal, tumorous cells in the body.

The function of the cytokine is compared to that of Lentinan. It is an immunostimulant that is administered intravenously and also has an anti-cancer effect.

The TNF content increases with maturity, that is, the more ripe the banana, the stronger its cancer-inhibiting effect.

The more mature, the higher the quality of the ingredients

The composition and nutritional value of the fruits change as they ripen. Certain properties are therefore differently pronounced at different points in time.

As for bananas, it has been shown that their antioxidant levels increase as they ripen. If dark discoloration of the skin becomes visible, some of the starch originally contained has already been converted into more easily digestible sugar.

In the Japanese study, experiments were carried out that involved consuming various ripe fruits: bananas, grapes, apples, pears, watermelons, persimmons, and pineapples.

From the results obtained, it could finally be concluded that the banana has the strongest health-promoting effects. Their consumption increases the number of white blood cells in the blood and strengthens our defenses.

In order to be able to achieve these positive effects, the consumption of 1 to 2 bananas daily is recommended.


Strengthening the immune system and prophylaxis of various diseases

Scientists assume that the greater the content of tumor necrosis factor, the more ripe the banana is. Estimates assume an increase in white blood cells and thus an eight-fold strengthening of the immune system.

Immune defense

And what else is good in ripe bananas?

The fact that bananas contain anti-cancer substances should be reason enough to include this fruit in our daily diet.

However, that’s not all bananas can do for us. So that you do not have any doubts whether you will eat bananas more often in the future, we are giving you further properties of this fruit that can have a beneficial effect on your health.

Healthy digestion

The average banana contains about 3 grams of fiber, which helps the passage of food through the intestinal tract and promotes healthy digestion. Bananas provide the body with a lot of electrolytes, which are particularly needed for diarrhea.

Also probiotics as FOS are included in this fruit. These help maintain a healthy intestinal flora.

A strong cardiovascular system

Since ripe bananas in particular contain a lot of potassium, consuming them causes a reduction in the sodium level. Sodium can cause water retention in tissues and affect heart health.

Much found in a meta-study published in a recognized US heart health journal.

She discovered that people who combine a diet low in salt with foods high in potassium have a reduced risk of stroke and coronary artery disease.

Heart health

Strong bones

The Linus Pauling Institute for Micronutrients, based in Oregon, USA, reported that a diet rich in potassium can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Ripe bananas are a natural source of potassium and the fructooligosaccharides they contain also increase calcium absorption  in the digestive tract. This increases the bone strengthening function of these fruits.

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