What Can Be Done Against Tartar? Precautionary Tips

Home remedies, such as rinsing or self-made toothpaste, can be supplemented by consuming various foods that can be used to remove tartar. 

What to do against tartar  Precautionary tips

In today’s post you will find various tips that are useful in preventing tartar  build-up  .

Tartar is the term used to describe solid deposits on the tooth that cannot be removed with normal dental hygiene (tooth brushing or rinsing).

Inorganic substances are deposited in the plaque, which are the soft deposits on the teeth. This leads to a chemical reaction that hardens the plaque and creates tartar.

Normally, tartar is removed by the dentist, which is definitely recommended. Various home remedies can have a preventive effect. 

What can be done preventively against tartar?

Properly brushing your teeth is essential to prevent plaque from building up.

  • Remember that you should clean your teeth at least three times a day (in the morning, after lunch, and before bed). The toothbrush needs to be replaced every three months.
  • In addition, flossing and a mouthwash are best recommended  to supplement proper hygiene, get rid of harmful bacteria, and then prevent tartar build-up.

You should also avoid foods that contain sugar or starch as much as possible, as this is what the bacteria in your mouth feed on.

If you eat something sweet and don’t rinse your mouth afterwards, the microorganisms in your mouth create  acid, which in turn leads to tooth decay. 

Don’t forget to visit the dentist at least twice a year to get a thorough teeth cleaning and, if necessary, treat tooth decay.

In addition, the following home remedies are recommended as a preventive measure against tartar:

1. Soda against tartar

Soda against tartar

Soda is very versatile and should therefore not be missing in any household. This white powder has been used for centuries for its cleansing and brightening properties. 

  • Simply put some baking soda in a bowl and then stick the toothbrush moistened with water into the powder.
  • Brush your teeth with it as usual.

Note: Baking soda tastes slightly salty, so you should only use small amounts.

2. Hydrogen peroxide against tartar

Hydrogen peroxide can be found in almost every household because this agent has a disinfectant effect. Not only can you use it to clean wounds, but also to whiten your teeth.

  • You can make a mixture of equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide  two to three times a week  and then use it to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.
  • This can help prevent tartar build-up and prevent the spread of bacteria. A simple home remedy for a healthy mouth!

3. Apple against tartar


A raw apple with peel as a dessert is much healthier than desserts and at the same time you can use it to clean your teeth naturally.

  • This way, tartar won’t build up and your gums will stay healthy. You can also prevent bleeding gums in this way.

    4. Orange against tartar

    This citrus fruit is rich in vitamin C, which prevents harmful microorganisms from spreading on the tooth surface.

    • You can drink orange juice every morning or  rub the inside of an orange peel on your teeth before bed. 

    5. Baking soda and aloe vera for tartar build-up

    Aloe vera

    With this home remedy you can naturally prevent tartar. It is very effective and can be used up to twice a week after you brush your teeth in the evening.


    • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
    • ½ cup baking soda (100 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of aloe gel (15 g)
    • 10 drops of lemon essential oil
    • 4 tablespoons of vegetable glycerin (40 g)


      • Mix the water and baking soda well together.
      • Then add the aloe gel and essential oil.
      • Finally stir in the glycerine.
      • Then mix everything well until a homogeneous paste is formed and store this in a sealable glass jar.
      • You can then use this paste to brush your teeth every day.

      6. Sesame for tartar

      Sesame seeds are the perfect texture for removing plaque and whitening teeth.

      • It is very easy to use: chew a tablespoon of sea seeds without swallowing them.
      • Then you use the dry toothbrush to clean the teeth with the resulting paste.
      • Then rinse your mouth with plenty of lukewarm water.

      7. Strawberries and tomatoes


      Both strawberries and tomatoes are high in vitamin C. If you rub your teeth with them, you can not only remove tartar but also whiten your teeth  Let this home remedy work for a few minutes, then rinse it out.

      8. Homemade toothpaste

      This toothpaste can help you avoid harmful chemicals that are often found in commercial toothpastes.

      In addition, you can benefit from the excellent ingredients that remove tartar and take care of your teeth.


      • ½ cup coconut oil (100 g)
      • 3 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)
      • 2 tablespoons of stevia powder (20 g)
      • 20 drops of essential oil of your choice


      • Mix coconut oil, baking soda and stevia and then add the essential oil of your choice (e.g. lemon, mint or lavender).
      • Mix everything well until you get a homogeneous paste, which you can then store in a sealable glass jar.
      • Then use this paste every day and use it to clean your teeth as you normally would.

      9. Carrot and Celery

      These raw vegetables can also maintain tooth health by promoting saliva production and strengthening teeth.

      • Celery or carrots also have a filling effect and can therefore perfectly replace an unhealthy snack.

      10. Almonds against tartar

      Tartar almonds

      Dried fruits can also be very beneficial when eaten whole. In this way they can remove tartar and plaque through the  friction. 

      • A handful of almonds, for example, can be very helpful because it can remove leftover food and also strengthen the gums.

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