What Are The Advantages Of Using Pumice Stone?

Pumice stone is a volcanic rock that has useful cleaning properties. Its use has several cosmetic and household benefits. That is why we will inform you in detail about it here.

What are the benefits of using pumice stone?

Pumice stone has become popular because of its many advantages in its use. It comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Also known as pumice, this volcanic rock has been used for thousands of years.

Roman engineers, for example, used it as a complement to concrete to develop their architectural models. In fact, it is still used for these purposes and research is being carried out into various ways of improving the composition of the constituents of cement.

It is a material that is so resistant that it can be exposed to cold, fire and moisture without being damaged. Pumice stone is hard but so light that it floats on water. It is characterized by its abrasive power, but is gentle on the skin. Therefore, most of its uses are related to cosmetics.

Benefits for the skin

As mentioned earlier, pumice stone has become very popular thanks to its gentle uses on the skin. Here we are going to show you how to use it at home.

Pumice stone for hair removal

Pumice stone is used for hair removal on any part of the body. This use goes back to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. These civilizations mixed this element with ointments and oils of natural origin to remove hair and perform beauty rituals.

Today, thousands of years later, we are still using this stone. Its greatest advantage is that it makes the skin soft and fresh after removing unwanted hair. It is important to note that this practice is not recommended for very dry skin.

Also, you should always have a soap or foam on hand that will facilitate the circular motions needed to achieve the desired result.

Pumice stone is available in stores in inexpensive and practical formats.

He exfoliates the skin

This stone has abrasive properties that you can use to exfoliate the skin. Liquid or compact soaps made from pumice stone powder are also commercially available.

In Indian culture, handcrafted peeling was initially used with the aim of removing the top layer of skin for various reasons.

Don’t forget that the goal is not to injure the skin. That is why we recommend moistening the pumice stone and using it with natural oils.

It makes hard places softer

The use of pumice stone is very common in beauty salons. It is usually used to remove thick layers of dead skin, for example on the feet. Aside from removing these calluses, pumice stone makes these areas softer.

The best way to achieve the desired result is to soak the affected area with warm water. Then use a soap that will allow the stone to slide smoothly. Soak these too and with the help of gentle circular movements the skin softened with the water begins to fall off.

Pumice stone to lighten dark areas

Stains in flexion areas, such as the armpits and elbows, are caused by abrasion during depilation, by contact with certain products and by certain diseases such as lichen planus.

In cases where a dermatological problem that requires professional treatment is excluded, it is beneficial to use pumice stone.

Because its properties can help to remove the pigmented skin and thus allow the formation of a new and much lighter dermis. Use it with a little olive oil to enhance its effects.

Pumice stone for dental care

To look well-groomed, it is important to have clean teeth. Therefore, alternatives have been explored that include the use of pumice stone in microabrasion processes of tooth enamel. This is a dental technique that removes discoloration or pigmentation from teeth.

Other uses of pumice stone

This rock is so versatile that it can be used in different areas of daily life. From saving a garment to giving jeans a washed-out worn look to make them more fashionable, to cleaning pet hair and removing impurities and dirt from some household appliances.

It removes lint from clothing

Lint on clothing often appears in places where there is a lot of rubbing because the material has been poorly washed or is susceptible to it. Here, however, you can moisten the stone and rub it very carefully on the item of clothing you want to save.

Pull the garment apart and use your hands to hold it straight as you rub the stone. It is important that you complete this process calmly and carefully, or you could ruin your favorite blouse or pants. Pumice stone is also very effective for turning boring old jeans into fashionable ones.

He removes hair from pets

If you have pets, you’re sure to love them with all your heart. But that doesn’t mean it’s comfortable to wear clothes full of hair or own furniture with an extra layer of fur. This volcanic rock is also very effective in these cases. This is because the hair gets caught in its pores.

The same goes for cleaning carpets, curtains and car seats. All you have to do is rub the stone with circular movements on the desired surface. For delicate fabrics, you can moisten it to make the procedure easier.

It removes fat deposits from the oven

If your oven is full of hard fat after cooking many meals, you can also use pumice stone. You can only rub a little, not too much. A little soap or degreaser can make this process easier.

Another good trick is to rub the greased area with some bicarbonate and then clean it with the wet pumice stone.

It removes contaminants from the toilet

A dirty toilet is uncomfortable for all of us. The worst part is that not all detergents are able to completely remove dirt and limescale. In these cases , it is enough to use gloves, moisten the stone with hot water and rub it over the most affected areas.

Various options with a plastic handle are available in the supermarket for this type of use, which make cleaning easier.

Pumice stone sink
Pumice stone can help keep the house clean, especially the bathrooms.

How do you clean pumice stone?

Although this stone is characterized by its strength, we must have a good cleaning routine when using it at home. This is especially true when we use it on the skin. This not only extends its lifespan, but also protects our body.

We recommend washing the stone with hot water, rubbing it with a toothbrush and removing any impurities that may be between its pores. Then wash it off again with hot water. In addition to this process, you can sterilize it from time to time by soaking it in boiling water for five minutes.

Place it on a dry cloth to dry and expose it to the sun or fresh air to allow it to dry naturally. You should never leave it wet, or fungus or bacteria can grow.

An inexpensive solution

Pumice stone is a great ally of beauty and cleanliness. It is by no means superfluous to have this product at home, which can help you with many little things. Another advantage of this volcanic rock is that it is available in the market at very good prices.

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