What Are The Advantages Of Consuming A Banana Every Day?

Bananas are excellent after exercise because they help regain electrolytes and prevent cramps as they contain a lot of potassium.

What are the benefits of consuming a banana every day?

The banana is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. The sweet taste, color and texture of this delicious fruit are very popular. There are many benefits to consuming a banana.

Bananas taste great in mixed drinks, yoghurt, cakes, bread, pancakes and also in soups!

Bananas contain valuable vitamins, minerals and fiber, as everyone knows. But do you know all the benefits of this delicious fruit?  Read on to find out more.

Blood pressure

The banana contains a large amount of potassium  (more than 13% of the recommended daily amount), which helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

Absorption of calcium

The banana also contains fructooligosaccharides  (soluble fibers, also known as FOS for short), which then improve the absorption of calcium. These active ingredients also nourish the healthy bacteria in the intestine and also improve the absorption of nutrients.

Good for your nerves

The banana is also highly recommended for a healthy nervous system and muscles. This can prevent muscle cramps after sporting activities.

Vitamin B6

Did you know that a banana contains approximately 34% of the recommended daily amount of vitamin B6?  This vitamin is of great importance for general health.

Vitamin B6 has anti-inflammatory effects, supports the functions of the nervous system and also reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity and many other diseases.

Weight loss

The fiber contained in the banana  promotes digestion and at the same time keeps the blood sugar level constant. This can prevent overeating.

Consuming a banana prevents cancer

Bananas are characterized by catechins, as well as delphinidin, these are natural antioxidants. Various studies have shown that regular consumption of bananas and other fruits can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

This can also reduce the likelihood of developing kidney cancer.

Better digestion and natural laxative

Bananas also help relieve symptoms of diarrhea and  constipation. They contain pectin (a soluble fiber also called hydrocolloid), which stabilizes the digestive system, normalizes intestinal transit and relieves constipation.

This fruit acts like an antacid and  then stimulates the production of stomach mucus, which protects the stomach from acid. Bananas also have the ability to kill bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers.


So how about starting the day regularly with a delicious banana?

Photos provided by Ahmad Nawawi and Perrenque

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