Weaning: From Breast To Bottle

The way from breast to bottle is not always easy. The baby is only used to breast milk and needs to be moved slowly so that it can be weaned from the breast. 

Weaning: from breast to bottle

Breast milk is the best nutrition for an infant during the first few months of life. But when the time is right, you have to switch from breast  to bottle , which is not always easy.

We then have a few tips for you to make weaning easier. 

Switching from breast to bottle: what you should know beforehand

Switching from breast to bottle: what you should know beforehand

As you know, breast milk is not only the best nourishment for an infant, breastfeeding also creates  a very special relationship between mother and child. The child enjoys this time and it is often difficult for him to switch to other foods.

The child differentiates between smell, texture and warmth of the food,  so you usually need a lot of patience at the beginning when switching from the breast  to the bottle. 

How to get a child used to bottle milk

Three to four weeks after the birth, the breastfeeding periods have settled down.  After that, you should wait at least two more weeks to start bottle feeding.
It’s about avoiding complications from changing habits. In addition, there are other aspects to consider when moving your baby from breast to bottle. Read on to learn more about it.

The best time

Every mother has to determine the right time to wean herself. However, the baby shouldn’t suffer from it. Therefore, try to give him the bottle when he is satisfied and relaxed,  not when he is hungry.

  • Give your child the bottle in between, do not replace the first or last breastfeeding period. Because in the morning and in the evening the child needs the maternal warmth particularly strongly.
  • If this technique doesn’t work, try  giving your child the bottle a little later than usual to get them hungry. 

Choosing the right bottle is fundamental

In order to make the transition from breast to bottle as smooth and pleasant as possible, choosing the right bottle is fundamental. Try a soft nipple similar to a mother’s breast. 

Get advice from specialist retailers  so that your baby has a pleasant experience from day one. The size and milk flow of the teat is also very important. Because when too much or too little milk comes out of the bottle, stress arises.

The best position for bottle feeding

The best position for bottle feeding

Opinions differ here: some recommend not to imitate the natural breastfeeding position when giving the baby the bottle. Most of the time, it is advised to hold the baby upright while sitting. 

It can sit in the mother’s lap or on a special baby seat. As soon as the child has got used to the bottle, it can also be fed in the breastfeeding position.

Others advocate a natural posture to help  the child feel relaxed and comfortable. You have to try out for yourself how it works best with your little darling.

Beware of the association between milk and mother

Did you know that babies can detect their mother’s scent at a distance of up to six meters? This incredible ability allows them to quickly identify their mother.

For this reason, it is important to  have someone else give the child the first bottle  to prevent them from being irritated if they do not receive the mother’s breast. This allows the child to distinguish the experience and gradually get used to it.

It is definitely not easy to get the child used to the bottle. That requires effort, patience and constancy. But we are sure that you will succeed in a short time with these tips.

Do you have any other tips that you would like to share with us?

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