Vegan Tacos: 2 Types Of Preparation

Tacos are a traditional dish from Mexican cuisine, for which meat is usually used. In our article, however, we share two different preparation methods for fans of the vegan diet with you.

Vegan tacos: 2 types of preparation

Vegan tacos are an ingenious way of adding plant-based foods to our diet and doing so in a tasty and original way.

You don’t need that much preparation and you can customize the recipes based on what you have around the house.

Vegan tacos

Vegan tacos with mushrooms

Vegan tacos with avocado and mushrooms
Thanks to their nutritional value, mushrooms are an appropriate substitute for the vegetarian and vegan diet.

From a nutritional point of view, mushrooms are a very complete food. They contain little fat and sodium, but a lot of vitamins (B2, B6, D2) and essential minerals (iron, phosphorus, potassium).

That’s why we use them in our first recipe for vegan tacos.


  • 10 large mushrooms
  • 1 light onion
  • 30 ml soy sauce (2 tablespoons)
  • 1 leek
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • salt and pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • 10 corn pancakes


  • First wash the mushrooms, cut them into thin slices, and then place them in a bowl.
  • Then add the soy sauce and the freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then let the mushrooms marinate for about fifteen minutes so that they absorb the flavor properly.
  • Then peel and chop the leek and onion and fry them in a pan with hot oil until golden brown.
  • Then add the mushrooms and the marinade and continue frying the ingredients until the marinade has evaporated completely.
  • Now you can serve the tacos with small portions of the filling and season them with salt and pepper according to your taste.

    Vegan tacos with soy meat substitute

    Vegan tacos with soy meat
    In the vegan world, a lot of soy is used as a meat substitute.

    Soy meat substitute is a vegetable protein extracted from concentrated soy that gives it its texture. It is considered a protein substitute for those who do not want or cannot consume animal proteins.

    Usually used instead of ground beef or strips of chicken.


    • 150 g soy meat substitute
    • 200 g red pepper
    • 150 g green peppers
    • 1 onion
    • Extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 leek
    • Salt and pepper, depending on your taste
    • Garlic powder
    • oregano
    • 1 ripe avocado
    • Corn or wheat flour patties


    • First, you need to soften the soy meat substitute in water. Put it in a bowl and cover it with water. The soaking time varies depending on the manufacturer, but 15 minutes is usually enough. Then drain it and set it aside.
    • Then wash, peel and cut the bell pepper, onion and leek into strips.
    • Then heat oil in a pan and add the vegetables in this order: first the onion, five to seven minutes later the leek and then the bell pepper.
    • Season with salt and pepper and sauté the vegetables until they are golden brown and cooked through.
    • Then add the oregano, garlic powder, and any other seasoning you want.
    • Now there is the soy meat substitute. Fry it with the other ingredients until all of the flavor has blended well.
    • Then you can arrange your vegan tacos. To do this, add a little of the mixture to each of the corn cakes.
    • The time has come: enjoy your meal!

    You can either buy the corn cakes or make them yourself.

    Guacamole as a side dish

    Guacamole is the ideal side dish for dipping your vegan tacos!

    In the following we would like to quickly explain to you how you can make an avocado sauce, which is called guacamole in Mexico, yourself. It’s ideal for these recipes!


    • 1 large, ripe avocado
    • 1 medium tomato
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • 1/2 medium onion
    • Juice of half a lemon
    • fresh coriander
    • salt
    • Extra virgin olive oil


    • First peel the avocado and remove the stone.
    • Then wash, peel and chop the tomato and onion into small pieces.
    • Then squeeze the juice out of half a lemon.
    • Now peel the garlic and mash it.
    • Then put all of the ingredients in a mortar and mash them until you get a creamy texture.
    • If you don’t have a mortar at home and you want a less thick dip, you can also use the hand blender.
    • Finally add the coriander and the olive oil, season a little with salt and the guacamole is ready!

    The vegan tacos can be combined with all kinds of sauces and dips, be it guacamole, mustard, sour sauce, vegetable cream or vegan mayonnaise. You can also adapt the recipes to suit your taste and needs.

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