Too Little Sport: This Is How Your Brain Changes

A lack of exercise not only has a negative effect on your body, it also affects your brain!

Too little exercise: this is how your brain changes

Many people work in jobs where they sit all day. But if you do too little sport in your free time , this has damaging consequences for your body and mind.

Specialists recommend moving at least half an hour to an hour a day, but many cannot find the time or various excuses.

Even or especially if you are already stressed in the morning, come home tired from work and have a lot of tasks and obligations to do:  too little exercise is  harmful to your health and reduces your physical and mental performance!

Then find out what happens if you don’t exercise enough.

Too little exercise is bad for your blood circulation

too little exercise is bad for blood circulation in the brain

When you exercise, it improves your blood circulation, not just during exercise, but also afterwards.

However, you should exercise every day!

Good blood circulation is essential not only for the body but also for the brain. A lack of exercise can have the following consequences:

  • Your memory gets worse: You forget important things, because if the blood circulation is poor, no new neuronal connections are formed in the brain.
  • Your risk of a stroke increases: insufficient blood flow can lead to ischemia.

Poor blood flow to the brain can cause permanent damage. It is therefore important to get enough exercise every day.

too little sport makes you sick

You don’t have to go to the gym every day; the daily walk is a good place to start. It is best to take an hour to run or walk in the great outdoors. A wonderful daily habit that benefits the body and mind in many ways!

Sedentary lifestyle makes you more prone to stress, anxiety, and other health problems. Therefore:  exercise daily! 

Exercise is good for the brain

Woman knows that too little exercise makes you sick

However, too little exercise has other consequences for the brain: the hippocampus, which is essential for memory, suffers from a lack of exercise.

Changes in the parietal lobe can also occur. This brain region is important for recognizing and interpreting faces. A disorder can lead to a lack of empathy and impairment of instincts. 

The temporal lobe also suffers from too little exercise. It usually allows you to recognize faces, numbers, and objects. If your brain has poor blood flow, it can affect that part of the brain.

By now you should realize that it is extremely important for your brain to move sufficiently. Take care of your health every day through exercise! Going for a walk, doing exercises at home, yoga, swimming … make time for exercise.

In this way you can prevent diseases and improve your physical and mental performance. Get started today!

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