Tips To Lighten The Skin Under The Armpits

Tips to lighten the skin under the armpits

In winter the skin under the armpits was hidden under thick wool sweaters. Now that the sun is warming, we notice: the skin is blotchy. We’ll show you what  helps with spots on the skin under the armpits !


Causes of discolored skin under the armpits

In winter we don’t think much about the skin under our armpits. We hide them under several layers of clothing, sweaters, coats and jackets.

But with rising temperatures and the desire to wear strapless tops or swimwear, the gaze lands on the armpit skin. Sometimes we realize with horror:  the skin is discolored. But why?

Fungal infection

A fungal infection can cause the skin under the armpits to be a different color. Usually it is reddened, rarely brownish in color. Skin flakes are characteristic.

If you observe something like this in yourself, you can do little with home remedies. You have to see a doctor who will prescribe a cream that will kill the skin fungus.



Deodorants sometimes contain ingredients that can discolour light skin.  Unfortunately, it can only be determined by trial and error whether the deodorant is to blame for skin discoloration.

If the suspicion is obvious, first remove the skin discoloration and consistently use a different deodorant in order to be able to determine an improvement. A deodorant certified as natural cosmetics could help.


An allergic reaction can upset the pigmentation of the skin and cause areas of your skin to be pigmented / colored more than others.

The only possible triggering allergens are things that come into contact with your skin there, i.e. shower gels, creams and deodorants.

Pigment disorder

A healed fungal disease, injury, or allergies may have damaged the skin, causing it to produce more skin pigment under your armpits (or other parts of your body) than before.

Home remedies to lighten the skin



Peelings remove the top layer of skin and the lighter layer of skin underneath comes to the surface. A weekly peeling is therefore suitable to keep the unloved skin spots light.

You can get a cheap and simple peeling if you mix a lot of table sugar or salt with a little lemon or orange juice to a granular pulp and use it as a peeling. The fruit acid contained in the citrus fruits also helps to intensify the peeling.



The lemon is the absolute classic among natural brighteners. Squeeze out the lemons and pour the juice through a sieve, such as a tea strainer, to filter out any pulp in the juice.

Alternatively, you can buy juice in the bottle, but you should make sure that it is 100% fruit juice and not fruit nectar, because the juice content is negligible in the latter.

Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can irritate your skin. Therefore, never use this method if you have just shaved your armpits! Now apply the lemon juice. Use cotton pads, for example.

Due to the natural cloudiness of the juice, spray bottles would very quickly stick and become inoperable. You can achieve a longer exposure time if you make a mask with lemon.

Mix instant oat flakes with lemon juice to make a spreadable paste that you apply as a mask and leave on for 20 minutes. Then wash off thoroughly.



Yoghurt contains lactic acid, which, like the fruit acid described above, helps to soften the top layers of the skin and to remove them when you peel or rub them off.

Lactic acid is found in many dairy products, but especially in yogurt, sour cream, sour milk, sour cream, sour milk, kefir and buttermilk.

Every evening, apply a sour milk product of your choice to the affected area of ​​skin thick with the back of a knife and leave the mask on for at least 30 minutes before washing it off.


Milk and honey

Another method that can lighten your spots is also based on a dairy product. Since milk itself does not adhere well to your face and is not concentrated enough, get powdered milk.

It does not matter whether it is skimmed milk or whole milk powder, but under no circumstances should it be a coffee creamer. Coffee creamer does not contain milk, but vegetable fats and is therefore completely ineffective for this face mask.

Now mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon each of powdered milk and lemon juice. Because the milk powder is poorly distributed in honey, it is best to stir the juice and powder together first before adding it to the honey.

This mass also combines the positive properties of lemon juice with the nourishing properties of honey. Leave on the affected areas for at least 30 minutes a day.

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