This Man Is Not For You!

There are obvious signals that clearly show you in your relationship when this man is not for you. Open eyes!

This man is not for you!

Outsiders usually know long before you know that this man with whom you currently share your life is not for you. You yourself are literally “blind to love” and you do not see the clear signs that clearly show you that this man is not the right one for you.

This man has no future with you!

At the moment this man may represent your everything for you, but if you look at yourself, the relationship, certain signals and signs objectively, you will find that he is probably not for you after all.

At the beginning of a new relationship (and also in older relationships), therefore, pay attention to whether there are certain signs that indicate that you should not see your future in this relationship. Then be honest with yourself and see that it is probably not this man who will grow old with you.

The following signals indicate this:

this man gives money to the woman

He’s taking advantage of your financial situation

If you have a good job, your own house, a car, or your family, then you should be careful because greed can blind many men.

It does not mean that this happens in all cases, but you should be careful, for example, if this man asks you for money, if you have to pay for the two of you over and over, if he is even trying to convince you to own a property to rewrite from you in his name etc.

Your pet doesn’t like him

Animals are wise, and they often point out exactly when someone doesn’t like them or when someone is not doing you good. If you brought your new friend home and your dog growled or tried to bite him, it may be normal the first time, but be careful if this behavior persists over time.

Please also take a look at how your new partner treats your pet. Maybe he will be nice to the animal in front of you, but if you go to the bathroom or kitchen, this man might treat your animal badly.

this man is talking to a woman

He doesn’t make plans for the future with you

Sometimes it takes longer and sometimes shorter, but at some point these conversations arise in connection with weddings, with children, moving in together, etc.

If it’s been a long time since you brought up such a topic and he refuses to speak to you about these things, there is something he is hiding from you. Maybe he doesn’t want to compromise or he has another “serious” relationship and is cheating on you or this man just doesn’t see a future with you.

He keeps you away from his friends and family

At the beginning of a relationship it is normal for the meetings to only take place between the two of you, but after a period of time a “presentation” to family and friends is important.

If he doesn’t want to take you to his parents’ house for Sunday lunches, or if he goes to a party and doesn’t want you to come with him, then you’re going to have to assume that this man is not for you.

As in the previous case, it may be that he does not want a committed relationship (and therefore does not take it seriously) or that there is already a girlfriend who is “presented in society”.

this man is on vacation with his wife

He makes pressure and speed

If the man says about two weeks after the start of your relationship that you should live together, that you have already planned your next vacation a long way away, that you want to get to know your entire family immediately and that you talk to you about having children, then you should make suspicious.

Anything rushed or planned with a little pressure can be harmful or a sign that you are facing a possessed or stalker.

this man does not suit this woman

He remains aloof

Maybe he’s just suffered enough in a previous relationship or doesn’t like close contact with people. However, if he often pretends that you are absent or not paying attention, prefers to watch TV in your presence, and also keeps his distance, this man is probably not for you.

He talks a lot about his ex

You’ve been together for several weeks and on every date he refers to his ex. That she liked this or that, that this restaurant was for her anniversary, that she never went with him to the cinema …

If he has not yet been able to forget his previous relationship, it is very difficult that you will be able to form a new relationship together. Let him live in the past and if he really got a “clean cut” you may be able to give him a chance.

this man and this woman in conversation

He wants to change you

Of course, it is allowed to express criticism. But if this criticism is constantly calling for change, then be vigilant. If he wants you to change your hairstyle, dress differently, behave differently, meet other friends, etc., this man doesn’t love you for who you are and you should say goodbye to him.

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