This Is How You Cook Spanish Tortilla!

The Spanish tortilla could also be described as an extremely thick and rich omelette, which is often prepared with potatoes.

How to cook Spanish tortilla!

A Spanish tortilla is much more than our German omelette, it is a complete meal from the pan and can be enjoyed cold or warm. Today we introduce you to this Spanish classic.

Spanish tortilla with potatoes

There are many recipes for Spanish tortilla , but the classic is made with potatoes. A “French tortilla” does not contain potatoes and is more like what we serve as an omelette.

In some sources, the classic Spanish tortilla is considered one of the national dishes of Spain, which is not only served freshly baked everywhere, but is also placed in the cooling shelf of almost every supermarket to warm up.

Of course, the Spanish tortilla can also be modified by using other ingredients such as sausage, vegetables or herbs, but the classic recipe has only a few ingredients: potatoes, eggs, salt and olive oil. Try the basic recipe and then get creative:

Spanish tortilla

Basic recipe for Spanish tortilla

The tortilla can be prepared very well and reheated later. But it also tastes very good cold and is also suitable as a provision. This is the basic recipe for Spanish tortilla:

  • 3 eggs
  • 1 onion
  • 4 potatoes (soft-boiling)
  • 200ml olive oil
  • salt

Peel the potatoes and cut them into about 0.5cm thick slices or small cubes. Then heat the olive oil in the pan and cook the potatoes in it for about 20 minutes until they almost disintegrate on their own.

At the end of the cooking time, add the finely chopped onion. Make sure that potatoes and onions do not roast brown, but only cook until light and soft.

Then pour off the oil and let the potatoes and onions drain well. Put the vegetables in a colander and place a plate underneath. You can use the oil for other dishes for frying.

In a bowl, break the eggs and season them with salt. The frothy you beat the eggs, the better. Then mix the egg mixture with the soft potatoes and onions.

Heat some olive oil in a large pan and add the egg and potato mixture. When the bottom starts to brown, it’s time to turn the tortilla.

Since the top of the tortilla is not yet firm, you should use a plate to turn it : place this on the tortilla in the pan and turn the pan so that the tortilla lies completely on the plate.

Then slide the tortilla back into the pan with the still moist side on the bottom and continue frying until both sides are browned. How much the egg mass is set depends on the taste: some Spaniards like it when the inside of the tortilla is still a little liquid.

spanish tortilla with sausage

Recipe variants

The classic Spanish tortilla is quite colorless and you can spice it up in terms of color and taste. A common variant is to cook diced paprika in olive oil. Choose the color yourself and let them cook a little shorter than the potatoes to keep them a little crunchy.

Instead of potatoes, you can also just use paprika. Then take 3 peppers and season the egg mixture with pepper, salt, basil and a little garlic. Before frying the tortilla, add two tomatoes (without seeds) cut into small cubes.

You can get a more hearty tortilla if you cut the chorizo ​​sausage into slices or cook it in cubes. If you fry the chorizo ​​with the potatoes in oil, the aroma is better distributed. However, you cannot reuse the oil afterwards.

Party idea: tortilla muffins

The Spanish tortilla is a tapas and can be found on many Spanish starter buffets. Their flat, slightly colorless appearance doesn’t make them particularly attractive, which is why you should consider these tortilla muffins for parties :

  • 150g mixed vegetables (peas, diced paprika, beans, …)
  • 450g potatoes
  • 100g diced ham
  • 2 onions
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 5 eggs
  • 120ml milk
  • Pepper, salt, olive oil

Cut the potatoes into cubes about 1.5 x 1.5 cm. Dice the onions and finely chop the garlic.

Fry the onions with garlic in olive oil and grease the muffin cases (about 12 pieces) with olive oil. Paper cases are unsuitable.

Beat the eggs with the milk, pepper and salt and mix in the onions, potatoes and vegetables. Add the egg and vegetable mixture to each muffin pan and bake the muffins at 180 ° C for about 20 minutes.

Turn off the oven and let the muffins cool in it before removing them from the molds and arranging them for serving.

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