This Is How You Can Make A Delicious Chocolate Spread Yourself

Although you can find many different chocolate spreads in the supermarket, it is better if you make it yourself. So you can be sure that it contains no additives and only the best ingredients.

So you can make a delicious chocolate spread yourself

Not only children love chocolate spreads, many adults are also enthusiastic about it. It can be enjoyed for breakfast, as a snack or as a dessert. Today we’re going to show you a recipe with which you can make your own  chocolate spread that contains less sugar and fat than commercially available products.

Only healthy, natural ingredients are used in this recipe. In addition, the taste of a homemade spread far exceeds that of a bought one.

Make a healthy chocolate spread

Make a healthy chocolate spread

Although chocolate is often marketed and sold as healthy, the truth is very different because store-bought chocolate is high in sugar and unhealthy fats. These fats come from poor quality vegetable oil.

These ingredients increase the levels of cholesterol, blood sugar, and triglycerides in the blood. They also ensure that you gain weight and get dental problems.

Today’s recipe contains healthy, nutrient-rich ingredients.

Alternatives to sugar

Sugar, especially white sugar, does not contain any nutritional values. It also enriches your body with acid and decalcifies it at the same time. For this reason, we should find alternative sweeteners for our recipes.

  • Stevia: It is very low in calories and very healthy at the same time. This plant also regulates blood sugar.
  • Honey: Although it is high in calories, it is great for sweetening. It also has medicinal effects.
  • Other sweeteners: Other options include cane sugar, agave syrup, maple syrup, panela, and molasses, among others.

    Healthy fats

    Make a chocolate spread with healthy fats

    If we include healthy fats in our diet, then we prevent us from gaining weight. This can even stimulate the metabolism,  which in turn promotes fat burning.

    You can find healthy fats in coconut oil and dried fruits, for example . They make your chocolate spread extra creamy and prevent it from becoming too dry. They also provide you with plenty of energy and nutrients.

    This chocolate spread is sugar and lactose free. In addition, it does not contain any additives or other unnecessary ingredients.

    Due to the chocolate and the roasted hazelnuts, it provides us with sufficient energy and vitality.


    • 5 tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil (75 g)
    • 3 tablespoons of roasted hazelnuts, finely grated (21 g)
    • 5 tablespoons of pure powder cocoa (50 g)
    • 3 tablespoons of liquid stevia, unflavored (30 ml)
    • A few drops of vanilla extract

    Note: You can customize these ingredients to suit your taste. If you want to make a creamier or thinner chocolate spread, use a little more oil. And if you want it thicker, add some cocoa powder or hazelnuts.


    • If you don’t have any ground hazelnuts, you can grind some yourself using a food processor or grinder.
    • When the coconut oil is solid, briefly heat it in a water bath.
    • Take a large container and add the ground hazelnuts, coconut oil, and the remaining ingredients. Then mix everything together until you get a cream.
    • Your chocolate spread is now ready!


    Make a chocolate spread with alternatives

    If you want, you can of course customize this recipe to suit your taste.

    • If you like a slightly piquant touch, you can add cinnamon, ginger or cayenne pepper, for example.
    • Or do you want the structure to be spreadable, but a little crispier ? Then chop the hazelnuts into pieces instead of grinding them.
    • You can also replace the coconut oil with a banana or avocado, for example.
    • Do you want to make a two-tone chocolate spread? Then don’t cover everything with cocoa powder, but leave half of it free, for example. This is how you get a brown and white spread.
    • If the spread is too firm, you can add coconut cream or other fruit cream.
    • It is also a great idea to freeze part of your spread in an ice cube tray or put it in the refrigerator. So you even have delicious sweets for in between.
    • You can also mix it with some more coconut cream. For example, it is ideal as a filling for pancakes or as a topping for ice cream and other sweets.

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