These Habits Will Damage Your Brain In The Long Run!

Many habits do little harm in the short term, but have negative effects on your brain in the long term.

These habits will damage your brain in the long run!

Some habits damage your brain and can cause long-term damage to our organs. A high protein consumption, for example, damages the kidneys, smoking our lungs, and alcohol the liver. But there are also habits where the negative health consequences are less obvious: they damage your brain !

Bad habits

By bad habits, we mean things that many of us even think are good. In doing so, however, we often forget what long-term consequences these can have.  The focus is usually on sensory organs or perceptible organs, but not the brain, the most important control center in our body.

After all, nothing works without a brain. The human brain is our control center, without which our entire body would not be able to survive. Every brain is shaped and changed in the course of its life by external factors such as experience, diet, behavior, genes and hormones.

New connections are created and old ones disappear. A brain can wither or be trained. We now introduce you to habits that damage your brain.

The following habits are harmful to your brain: Skipping breakfast

Skipping breakfast

Our brain makes up only 2% of the total body mass, but uses a good 20% of the energy. So whoever goes hungry is also less efficient in the brain!

Our brain uses up a large part of our food! B. In newborns, the brain even uses around half of its total energy requirements.

The main food of the brain, along with many other important nutrients, is glucose, i.e. sugar. The body can obtain glucose from complex carbohydrates (i.e. grain products). If you do without complex carbohydrates, the brain suffers.

Skipping breakfast and only sipping a maximum of one cup of coffee in the morning before rushing out of the house is one of those habits that are not exactly conducive to keeping your brain efficient. These habits will damage your brain in the long run!

Slowly get into the habit of eating breakfast every day. Maybe a slice of bread or oatmeal with fruit.

These habits harm your brain: laziness


Anyone who is active, moving, doing sports and not sitting in front of the computer or television is not only good for their cardiovascular system, but also for their brain!

In a way, jogging in nature is also a kind of “brain jogging”! There are many scientific studies on this topic that always only deliver the same result: Movement keeps the brain fit. And completely regardless of age!

Movement is doubly important, especially for children and adolescents whose brain structures are still developing.

But older people can also do something effectively with regular exercise in order to stay mentally fit in old age and, for example, to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

When we move, the brain is better supplied with blood and stimulated to form new brain cells. This allows us to concentrate better while moving, we are more creative and also solve puzzles more easily. The effect persists even after the movement.

These habits harm your brain: loneliness


The exchange with other people and active, social contacts are also important in order to keep the brain fit and trained. Therefore you should cultivate friendships, meet regularly with others, organize joint activities and leave your own four walls as often as possible in order to constantly provide new sensory impressions.

Anyone who lives as a loner and values ​​loneliness more than socializing is not doing anything good for himself or his brain: the brain withers away .

The older you get in your loneliness, the greater the spiritual decline. If you are alone in old age, you should take advantage of the various offers in the area: senior citizens’ meetings, excursions, coffee chat, visits, etc. So you take active precautions yourself in order to avoid Alzheimer’s!

These habits harm your brain: sluggishness

Indolent dullness

Think of the brain as a large muscle that only functions properly when it is well trained.

If the muscle is not challenged, it breaks down. It is the same with the brain. Anyone who no longer leaves their own four walls, learns nothing new, experiences nothing and vegetates passively more than lives and only watches the television picture on the couch, misses many sensory impressions that keep the brain trained.

People who are not mentally challenged and do not deal with adult education courses, crossword puzzles, foreign languages, books, etc., for example, ensure that the brain withers away.

Those who use it regularly train and maintain thinking and brain structures and prevent mental decline. Variety is important here, as soon as the new becomes routine, it no longer helps.

So make curiosity your favorite habits, develop a desire to discover, leave your own four walls!

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