These Evening Habits Make You Fat!

Eating something just before going to bed is one of the evening habits that make you fat. Learn more about it!

These evening habits make you fat!

Everyone has their own habits in the evening, certain routines and habits that have crept in in the course of life. However, some of these evening habits make you fat, and if you’re struggling with a healthy normal weight, leave them.

What are the evening habits?

It’s certainly not about personal hygiene habits. For example, when it comes to your weight, it doesn’t matter whether you get into the tub before going to bed or not. But there are habits in the evening that will make your weight rise!

We’re sure you too have habits that put the fat on your hips and increase the bacon on your stomach. Please note that the list of “weight-threatening” habits particularly affect overweight people.

If you don’t have a normal weight, refrain from the following habits in the evening:

Habits in the evening: light dinner with meat and vegetables

Carbohydrates for dinner

By now, almost everyone knows that eating “low carb” in the evening is good for weight loss. But almost nobody knows what “low carb” really is.

In most cases, meals are less high in carbohydrates than regular meals, but still contain too much of them.

Make sure not only that the dinner contains almost no carbohydrates, but also that neither drinks nor additional snacks contain carbohydrates, for example in the form of sugar.

Skip dinner

The so-called “dinner canceling” is popular among overweight people to avoid having dinner on the hips. Because if dinner doesn’t end up in your mouth, how could it get to your stomach or hips?

Be certain: it will work! And that in the form of compensation, namely additional calories that you take as a snack in between during the day or as nibbles in the evening to satisfy the emerging feeling of hunger. Instead of “dinner canceling” please eat “low carb”!

Evening habits: drink alcohol

drink alcohol

Many claim that a glass of beer or wine promotes sleep. In fact, that’s not the case, which is why you should avoid alcohol in the evening just for the sake of a good night’s sleep.

In general, alcohol is a cell poison that you should only consume on special occasions and only in moderation.

With regard to the unloved fat deposits, alcohol stops the burning of fat sustainably and also provides unnecessary calories with no added value. There is nothing in alcohol that your body really needs!

Going to bed late

If you don’t sleep enough, you don’t give your body a chance to regulate your metabolism at night. It has been proven that people who sleep too little suffer from food cravings throughout the day and eat more than people who get enough sleep.

Going to bed early enough and sleeping long enough is one of the most important habits in the evening so as not to fill up your fat pads unnecessarily, gain weight or not lose any.

Habits in the evening: women do sports!

Exercise without eating

Anyone who thinks they lose weight if they do sports in the evening and don’t eat anything is wrong. If you haven’t eaten since lunch, please be sure to have a bite to eat on the way to the gym that contains carbohydrates to maintain muscle mass.

While you exercise, your muscle mass is supplied and you can burn fat. It is important to maintain muscle mass because, after all, your muscle motor is supposed to burn the fat! The bigger your muscle mass, the bigger your basal metabolic rate and the more you can eat without gaining weight!

Beverages containing calories

A nice idea among the habits in the evening is to drink a cup of tea before going to bed, which promotes sleep. However, you should never sweeten the tea with honey, sugar or other high-calorie sweeteners, as these interrupt your fat burning process. A hot tea without honey is also delicious!

We are sure that you too have acquired one of the habits that make you fat in the evening. Right?

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