The Medicinal Herb Thyme And Its Health-promoting Properties

Do you know the health-promoting properties of thyme? Not only does this herb serve as a spice in a variety of foods, you can also use it to treat acne or sore throats. Find out more about this medicinal herb today. 

The medicinal herb thyme and its health-promoting properties

Thyme is very popular in gastronomy because this herb is characterized by its unique aroma and intense taste. However, the  medicinal herb thyme  also has various health benefits. Discover today how you can use this traditional medicinal plant. 

Medicinal herb thyme: more than a kitchen spice!

The scientific name of this versatile herb, which grows best in warm climates, is Thymus vulgaris. It is a small shrub with purple flowers that is easily available everywhere. You can also easily buy dried thyme in the grocery store, health food store or pharmacy. 

You can use it to season many dishes: for example soups, meat or salads. Tea can also be made with the  medicinal herb thyme  .

Today you will learn more about the health benefits of this aromatic plant. Because it has anti-fungal effects, for example, and can be very beneficial for acne or sore throats.

Learn more about the medicinal herb thyme

1. Thyme medicinal plant as a natural remedy

Medicinal plant thyme as a natural remedy
Thyme has numerous health benefits, making it very popular as a home remedy and in alternative medicine.

Thyme has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect. Therefore, it can be used effectively against acne. This also removes bacteria and pathogens that can lead to various ailments. That is why this home remedy is also very beneficial for pharyngitis or other sore throats.

However, thyme essential oil is also used  to relax muscles and treat fungal diseases,  especially on the hands and feet. To do this, you can simply bathe the affected areas in water with a few drops of thyme oil for at least 20 minutes.

Thyme also contains a lot of iron and can therefore be used for anemia. But that’s not all: the medicinal herb thyme also promotes digestion and prevents stomach cramps. At the same time, you can prevent annoying flatulence in the intestines.

We therefore recommend thyme tea to relieve indigestion!

No less important is the positive effect of this medicinal plant on unpleasant menstrual cramps. It was found that the medicinal herb thyme has emmenagogic effects, i.e. that it stimulates the menstrual period.

You can use thyme to relieve menstrual pain and also reduce other cycle-related ailments, such as headaches or fluid retention.

2. The medicinal herb thyme in the kitchen

Thyme has long been very popular as a kitchen spice. It is used in particular in recipes that are cooked longer,  as this releases the aromatic oils contained in them. This is one of the easiest ways to enjoy all of the benefits of this medicinal herb.

You can use it to flavor soups or stews. Thyme is also used to decorate salads and other dishes.

3. Medicinal herb thyme: natural antifungal agent

Thyme has an anti-fungal effect and can therefore also be very helpful in the garden!

This plant is also antifungal and repels insects, especially the large cabbage white butterfly. The flowers also attract bees and wasps. 

The essence of red thyme has a very positive effect on plants infected with fungi and bacteria. You can buy them in garden stores and spray them on the affected areas.

Once harvested, thyme can extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing the risk of fungus or bacteria spreading. The ionic effect of the extract destroys harmful microorganisms without harming the plant or fruit. 

Thyme essential oil is obtained by steam distillation and is environmentally friendly. There is no risk of poisoning for humans or animals, because the oil would have to be ingested directly in larger quantities.

To control fleas or other insects, it is advisable to mix 10 drops of essential thyme oil with 20 ml of olive oil and use it to treat the affected areas or the pet directly.

You too can benefit from all the advantages that the medicinal herb thyme has to offer!

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