The Best Herbs For Weight Gain

To gain weight in a healthy way, avoid industrial foods. Even if they are high in calories, they can cause health problems in the long run.

The best herbs for weight gain

How can weight be gained? More people are asking this question than we think. There are herbs for weight gain.

Because there are many people who suffer from their slimness. You do not feel well and would be happy to gain a few pounds in a natural and healthy way.

Sometimes it is necessary to gain weight. This could be due to a health problem or stress, an illness that caused extreme weight loss, or  genetic thinness.

How can one solve this problem in a healthy and balanced way? Nutrition experts admit that gaining weight is much more difficult than losing weight. Some aspects should be considered here.

Excess calories should be avoided, especially calories from manufactured foods, as these can have serious long-term health consequences.

The ultimate goal is for the person to develop enough appetite to consume the given meals and amounts. Potential digestive disorders should also be avoided in any case.

In the following we take a closer look at these aspects and also introduce various useful herbs.

Why do some people find it difficult to gain weight?

  • Genetic causes: There are people who can only consume a certain amount of food. When food gets into the stomach, the affected person produces certain hormones that satisfy hunger so that they cannot continue to eat.
  • More muscle fibers: Some people have more muscle, which means that they use more energy in retirement and find it difficult to gain weight.
  • Character and personality: There are people who are naturally more nervous and restless than others. They need constant movement and activity and find it difficult to rest. Even when they are seated, they keep moving their arms and legs. This causes a constant consumption of calories.
  • Nutrients are not properly absorbed: This is an extremely important point, as our organism does not receive the energy it needs on a daily basis.
  • Certain diseases: including hyperthyroidism, anorexia, bulimia, chronic diarrhea, depression and stress.

Weight gain from herbs



Fenugreek is an excellent ally for gaining weight. This plant is often used for breast and buttock enlargement. To do this, however, you should know exactly how to take it.

Fenugreek contains estrogen-like substances that  lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar levels. Constipation can also be avoided thanks to the high fiber content.

You can find this plant at health food stores or your doctor can prescribe it in capsule form. The following forms of administration are possible:

  • Seeds
  • Capsules or tablets from the health food store
  • Fenugreek meal (this can be used to make Egyptian bread)
  • Powder as a spice
  • Fenugreek tea

It’s best to drink a cup of fenugreek tea in the morning before breakfast and in the afternoon . Boil a cup of water, add five seeds or grains to the cup, and let them steep for a few minutes.

You will need to drink plenty of water, which will increase your appetite. This plant also contains saponins, which improve digestive enzymes and thus the digestive process.

The calories are better absorbed, so you gain weight in a healthy way. However, don’t forget to drink at least two liters of water.


Dandelion tea

Dandelion is one of the herbs that can help. It acts as an excellent tonic, so that the appetite is stimulated. Thanks to its bitter taste, it stimulates the bile and improves digestive enzymes.

In order for dandelions to have really positive effects on our organism, we should have three cups of tea a day. The first cup right after getting up.

Put 4 dandelion flowers in a cup of boiling water and let it steep. Half an hour after consuming the tea, you can eat a banana. One banana a day will also help you gain weight.



Gentian is one of the herbs that is a great medicinal herb that can help gain some extra pounds. This plant is actually used by people who want to regain their normal weight in a natural and healthy way after a long illness.

Gentian mainly improves the supply of nutrients and also stimulates the appetite. In this way, the ingested proteins and calories are correctly synthesized and you can gain weight in a natural and healthy way.

Enzian tones the stomach and intestines, because gastric secretion proceeds correctly and the enzymes are better absorbed. Just try You can find this plant as a tea in natural or health food stores. Take one cup after every meal.

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