The Beauty Of Being A Woman Over 40

Now we can develop further, grow beyond ourselves, heal wounds and clarify questions that we could not deal with in the first half of our lives

The nice thing about being a woman over 40

A woman over 40 is particularly characterized by trust in herself. Her body and mind have been shaped over the course of all the battles she has fought in her life. She knows them, trusts both of them blindly.

It has a seventh sense that all other mortals lack. She also understands that the meaning of life is to love others, but also yourself.

A woman  combines youth with experience, moves safely through the world and knows how to turn her time into a fulfilling life. It is also said that a woman does not begin to take strong, confident steps until she is 40, to determine her own path in life and to find her emotional balance.


The magical thing about being a woman over 40

There is no doubt that the phase of life between 40 and 50 years is a very special one, when you are between two generations and you also become aware of how fleeting life is. Now you also realize that it is only your consciousness that creates or destroys your world.

In the course of this development, at some point there will be a turning point with a before and an after. This is a wonderful moment that we need to use for ourselves. Now we have the chance to rise above us, to free us from the wounds that we carry around since our childhood with us to ask questions, to which we have not found an answer in the first half of our lives.

Lonely woman

This is one of the greatest challenges we face in our life. Now it is decided how we see ourselves and how we are seen by our fellow human beings. The process described affects certain parts of our psyche that need to be managed and healed.

From the age of 40 you become more and more aware of the role individual people play in your life, who is putting you to the test, who is exploiting you and manipulating you emotionally, and who will always be there for you, who will learn with you and you loves. Those who bring out the best in you, but at the same time don’t hesitate to hold up a mirror when you go overboard, will become irreplaceable for you.

There are a lot of each type, now you think back to when these people entered your life and how they changed it. The sum of all the experiences you have had with them makes you truly unique.

Helping others out of a sense of duty leads to exhaustion and resentment

Many women bake cakes, make coffee and clean the house because these are the things that are expected of them. Indeed, they would struggle with guilt if they failed to meet these obligations. This would give the feeling that as a woman, even as a person, they had failed.

The company bears the responsibility for this self-image, it uses up women but their right to individuality. If we want to break out of this development, women over 40 have to start. You have to defend yourself against this emotional imprisonment in social expectations and also express this to your fellow human beings.


Your role in this transition phase is essential and irreplaceable. We should face reality and give future generations a different image of society so that they don’t make the same mistakes and don’t force our daughters and granddaughters into this female role.

More than 40 times a breath of fresh air

Contrary to popular belief, this section should not be characterized by suffering and loss of joie de vivre. All the years that we have been on earth have given us a rich treasure trove of experiences. These experiences also include the realization that the body can only be healthy if the mind is healthy too.

So if we want to add more good years to our lives, we have to be aware that we can not separate our feelings from the relationships we have with other people. This is the only way we can ensure that we are actually doing well.

Blindly trusting yourself may be a terrifying idea at first. An experienced woman has already understood that the mystery is part of life and that not all things have a scientific explanation  and do not need one.

The beauty of being a woman over 40 is knowing inside how to guide yourself and those around you through life with moderation and wisdom.

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