The Apple – 9 Health Benefits

One apple a day keeps the doctor away!

The apple - 9 health benefits

The apple is one of the most widely consumed types of fruit in the world. It’s available all year round, has a wide range of uses, and contains many health-promoting nutrients.

This delicious local fruit is rich in antioxidants and fiber, which aid the digestive process and remove pollutants.

In addition, apples have a filling effect  and therefore help to satisfy cravings.

You probably know that an apple is recommended every day for general well-being. But do you also know why and what exactly an apple can do for your health?

Read on to learn more about it.

1. The apple is good for your heart


Apples contain important phytochemicals with antioxidant effects. These protect  the organism from damage caused by free radicals. This keeps the cells healthy.

This can also reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

In addition , the apple provides  soluble fiber, which is used to reduce the LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.  As a result, it can also be used to prevent arteriosclerosis.

2. Dehydrating effect

Apples contain a lot of potassium, which has a dehydrating effect. They are therefore excellent for draining fluids stored in the tissue.  So don’t forget to eat an apple every day!

This is particularly recommended for patients with inflammatory diseases or high blood pressure in order to alleviate these ailments.

3. Healthy teeth


Regular consumption of apples also improves oral health. It stimulates the production of saliva,  which then restricts the reproduction of bacteria and thus prevents tooth decay and other infectious diseases.

Despite the apple, you must of course not neglect dental hygiene, but in an emergency, if you don’t have a toothbrush on hand, you can bite into an apple.

4. Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s

Apples contain antioxidants in concentrated form, which has been associated with a reduced risk of cognitive disease.  These include, for example, Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia.

This can also inhibit cell damage caused by free radicals. At the same time, this delicious fruit helps prevent premature aging of the brain.

5. Healthy weight


If you eat an apple a day, you can also maintain a healthy body weight. It’s not a miracle cure, but it’s a good supplement for those looking to shed a few pounds.

With the regular consumption of apples, food cravings can be reduced. You can replace unhealthy snacks with an apple and thus better control your daily calorie intake.

In addition, apples promote healthy intestinal bacteria and  then support fat metabolism.

6. Better liver detoxification

Liver problems are mostly the result of unhealthy eating habits. In addition, environmental toxins also play an important role here.

If the liver is overloaded, this vital organ can no longer perform its functions optimally. However, if you drink a glass of fresh, natural apple juice every day,  you can promote the detoxification process and thus support the liver.

7. Stronger immune system

immune system

The vitamins and essential minerals of the apple  support the immune system of the organism.

This means that if you eat an apple every day, the risk of the following diseases will be reduced:

  • Respiratory diseases
  • Infections
  • other diseases caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi

8. Healthy and young skin

Apples in all variations contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that improve the complexion.

You can apply a mask and also eat an apple every day to prevent oxidative cell damage,  which is a major factor in the premature aging of the skin.

The minerals in the apple improve the oxygen supply, which is essential for the cleaning and regeneration process.

9. Good digestion


The apple itself and especially its peel contain the fiber pectin, which then supports the digestive process.

It promotes the health of the intestinal lining, balances the pH in the stomach and then reduces the risk of various diseases.

Pectin also protects against various types of cancer and chronic problems such as constipation.

As you can see, there are many reasons to eat an apple every day. You too can benefit from all these advantages in order to take care of your health!

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