Team Work Strengthens The Relationship

In a partnership, both partners should complement each other, even if they do not have the same passions. Sometimes compromises just have to be made.

Team work strengthens the relationship

Many are looking for a soul mate for life: someone who has the same tastes, shares passions, and maintains similar habits. But team work is particularly important in a relationship .

It is not so important whether the life partner prefers to stay at home in the warm nest and you yourself prefer to go out, whether one prefers sports and the other likes to watch romantic films.

The secret lies in respect and in agreements that help to get to know new aspects of life through the partner. You don’t always have to be in agreement and look at life with the same eyes or feel with the same heart.

A partnership means weaving a strong and resistant net that has beautiful contrasts but is forever durable.

In the following we describe some important aspects to form a perfect team .

We are very different, but a perfect team

Don’t make the mistake of despairing because your life partner has different preferences and prefers other books or other films and dishes.

However, what should cause you concern is the  inability to compromise and come to terms with the life partner.  In particular, you should try not to impose your opinions and decisions on your partner.

Values ​​matter

To make a good team, it is not necessary to always agree or have the same traits. A closed person can have a good relationship with an open person.

But a happy relationship is based on shared values:

  • Common values ​​are the basis for a happy partnership or family. If there are common values, one can respect and understand differences and even learn from them and experience new ways of seeing things.

Thinking differently doesn’t mean feeling differently

If your life partner likes cats and you prefer dogs, it doesn’t mean they don’t love you. Even if your life partner is a vegetarian, he will love you even though you are not a vegetarian yourself.

Thinking differently is not a sign that you are not loved. It means that you respect your partner and give them the freedom to be who they are.

  • However, the life partner never has the right to change your mindset or force you to impose their tastes, ideals, or goals on you.
  • A good team must be built on mutual respect. If you don’t understand and accept the differences, a good relationship cannot develop.

Differences are enriching

  • Everyone spends the day at work, but when you get home everything changes and then all that matters is that you love each other.
  • Even if you’re moving in the opposite direction, you can’t wait to get home and tell your life partner how the day went. You love learning new things from your partner  and discovering new perspectives.
  • Those things on which you disagree are not important. Your partner may never want to move to a country house, but accepts to take a walk in the fresh air every weekend and spend the vacation away from the city.

    make compromises

    A good team has to compromise and agree. This requires good communication in order to achieve common goals:

    • Listen with respect and interest: listening not only brings an answer, but also understanding.
    • Understand your partner’s point of view. Everyone has their own opinion about certain things, but empathy is required. We need to be able to empathize with the other person in order to understand what they are feeling and why they are expressing this or that opinion.
    • Giving in is not a loss, but an opportunity to discover new possibilities. A good team knows that nobody wins and nobody loses.
    • We should achieve the everyday accomplishments by each giving up or contributing at times.
    • So neither of them should stubbornly insist on their point of view every day. This allows you to discover unexpected things that both enrich.

    In a relationship, it is worth following these recommendations. The best partners are soul mates who have the same values, but whose character differences have a harmonious power through dialogue and respect.

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