Symptoms Of Vitamin Deficiency

Would you like to know which signals your body uses to alert you to a vitamin deficiency? There are several very common signs that this is happening. In this post you will find out what they are and what you can do about them.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency

A vitamin deficiency can be associated with various symptoms that are particularly noticeable in pregnant women, athletes or sick people. In this article we will tell you which symptoms can occur when you have a vitamin deficiency.

Torn corners of the mouth

One of the symptoms of a vitamin deficiency is , for example, cracked corners of the mouth. If the corners of your mouth crack frequently, it is possible that you are deficient in the B group vitamins, such as riboflavin B2 or niacin B3.

These symptoms are particularly evident in people who do not consume enough iron, zinc and vitamin B12. In this case, more meat, fish, oysters, clams, Swiss chard and legumes such as lentils are recommended.

Additionally, if you are feeling exhausted and pale, you are likely suffering from iron deficiency. In this case, you should eat a lot of broccoli, red peppers, and tomatoes. They are high in vitamin C, which is important for the proper absorption of iron.

Hair loss and rashes on various parts of the body

Hair loss is one of the symptoms of vitamin deficiency

Your body is likely lacking vitamin B8, which is also called biotin. The body can store some fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K, but water-soluble vitamins such as biotin must be taken in enough daily.

We therefore recommend the following foods: salmon, avocado, mushrooms, cauliflower, dried fruits and bananas.

Tingling and numbness in the hands and feet

These symptoms can be caused by a deficiency in B vitamins like B9, B6, and B12. You can find these vitamins in spinach, asparagus, beetroot, eggs, liver and others

Cramps in legs and feet

Cramps are symptoms of a vitamin deficiency

These symptoms are common with calcium and potassium deficiencies. If you exercise regularly and experience cramps, they may be caused by excessive sweating. This can disturb the hydroelectrolytic equilibrium.

Foods to prevent cramps are: bananas, avocados, almonds and all dried fruits, cherries, apples and all green leafy vegetables.

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