Strengthened After A Disappointment?

The moment you see disappointment as part of your life, you take it away from you.

Strengthened after a disappointment?

Do you feel a lump in your throat that is not allowing you to breathe properly? Have you suffered a disappointment and do not know how to escape the vicious circle?

Even difficult situations have positive sides:  you can learn from  disappointment , you can find a solution so that you don’t make the same mistake again.

But you have to be strong, change certain habits and behaviors and, for example, not have too high expectations or make yourself hopeful because you idealize other people.

If you expect or hope too much for yourself, reality can disappoint you.

1. Talk about how you feel after disappointment


To overcome disappointment, you need to start expressing your feelings.  When you express yourself loudly and clearly, you become aware of things that are not noticed in silence.

Perhaps you have made the wrong picture about a person and are only now becoming aware of it.

Talking about disappointment can help regulate your feelings.  This can lead to anger or tears, this is completely normal.

It is important to recognize, identify, and break free of these feelings. If you don’t let them go, they can be harmful to your physical and mental health.

As soon as you have spoken out honestly, you will feel free, no negative thoughts will remain in you.

2. What did you learn from it?

Sad woman

Every experience, good or bad, is a lesson that  will mature you and make you a better person. You can also learn a lot from disappointment.

Do not see yourself as a victim, but recognize the positive side of the event. Every situation gives you experiences with which you can learn a lot about others and about yourself.

You become aware of your mistakes and errors when you idealize others and see them the way you would like them to be.

You may also become aware that you expect too much from someone who is very different from what you imagined.

People are always capable of surprises. If you don’t expect anything, you often save yourself great suffering.

3. Trust people again


Trusting someone again after disappointment is a difficult step. While you shouldn’t go through life blindly, you also need to be able to forgive.

People change and go unexpected ways, you mustn’t wait for them to behave the way you would like them to.

Trust people, but don’t forget your experiences. Don’t idealize others, just keep your eyes open to see reality. Even if it is not easy, with patience you will make it.

Enjoy the present, your relationships with loved ones. Do not think about your wonderful future life, do not hope to be happy tomorrow. You live today!


If you look reality in the eye, you won’t be disappointed anytime soon. Become aware of what is going on around you.

If you balance hope with reality  and expectations with certainty, disappointments won’t hurt.

It is time to see disappointment as a part of life,  a learning process that will enable you not to make the same mistake again.

You will be stronger after a disappointment!

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