Sprained Ankle: Which Home Remedies Help

A sprain can basically occur anywhere, but our ankles are particularly susceptible to them. Bruises are more noticeable on them. A sprained ankle can be painful for a long time without proper treatment.

Sprained ankle: what home remedies will help

A sprain can happen anywhere, but our ankles are particularly vulnerable. Bruises are more noticeable on them. A sprained ankle can be painful for a long time without proper treatment.

Almost everyone has suffered a sprain from abrupt movements such as running, running, warming up or making mistakes during training. If this occurs on the ankles, complementary home remedies can help in addition to medical treatment.

The first symptom of sprained ankle is severe pain. This occurs because ligaments have been pulled or the joints have been injured. A poorly treated sprain can have negative consequences over time

Sprained ankle: advice and recommendations

After a ligament strain, you should avoid stepping on the floor with your foot in order to put as little strain on it as possible. It is advisable to avoid any pressure and to use crutches.

A sprained ankle should not be taken lightly as it will delay healing. It is therefore important to protect it. You should also pull your leg up to the level of your heart to avoid inflammation and pain.

Another tip is to move your toes to speed healing and reduce inflammation. Light stretching exercises are also advisable so that blood flow to the ankle is stimulated.

Sprained Ankle: Effective Home Remedies

Complementary home remedies are among the many treatment options that can be used for sprained ankles. If the injury is only minor, you can treat it yourself at home with easy-to-use treatments.

But if there is a major complication, it is better to see a traumatologist to relieve your symptoms.


The use of ice is particularly effective for sprains. Once the pain starts, you can place an ice or gel bag on the affected area to prevent swelling.

Repeat the process once a week every three or four hours for 15 to 20 minutes at a time. However, this also depends on your injury and pain. Make sure you never use the ice directly on your skin to avoid getting cold burn.

Magnesium sulfate

Another excellent alternative is magnesium sulfate. Let it dissolve in a medium-sized cup of warm water. Once it has reached a mild temperature, you can transfer it to a foot bath and place your foot in it for 30 minutes twice a day for three to four consecutive days.

Natural oils

Natural oils

Natural oils are also helpful when it comes to addressing the pain or inflammation of a sprained ankle. As complementary agents, they have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving and muscle-relaxing effects.

Castor, coconut, garlic, onion, turmeric, arnica and olive oils are recommended. These are applied to the affected area using a bandage. Then leave it on for at least half an hour. You should use it during the day and for a week; but this also depends on the healing process.

It is important that you know how to put bandages on. They are used to fix the foot area as well as the toes and ankles down to the knee. It is important not to exert any pressure so as not to obstruct blood circulation.

Turmeric and onion

Mix turmeric powder with onion. Once the paste is tough enough, apply it to the affected area. Turmeric can also be taken with a glass of milk twice a day to relieve the pain.

Cut the onion into pieces and add salt to get a fine mixture. Then apply the preparation to the sprained ankle with a bandage and leave it on for two hours. You can repeat the process anytime you think it’s necessary to maintain the anti-inflammatory effect.

Sprained ankle: 9 arnica and olive oil

Arnica is a plant made as an oil to help fight inflammation caused by bruises. Spread a few drops of the oil on the sprained ankle, massage it in, and let it soak in for five hours.

You can mix the olive oil with the egg yolk and apply it on the appropriate area. Cover the ointment with cotton wool and fix the latter with a bandage that you leave on for two hours.

Another possibility is to put preheated drops of oil on the affected area. Then massage them in well. You can do this method up to four times a day.

Knowing how natural home remedies can help treat sprained ankles results in a faster healing process. They are simple, inexpensive, and most importantly, effective to use when used along with the treatments suggested by the doctor.

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