Soda Tablets To Disinfect The Toilet

Soda tablets are wonderful allies for disinfecting the toilet and neutralizing bad smells. They not only kill germs, but also remove limescale deposits

Soda tabs to disinfect the toilet

Today we want to share with you a recipe for baking soda tabs that you can use to disinfect your toilet.

To clean the toilet, you don’t necessarily have to use expensive chemical agents that are available in the supermarket.

We have got used to these, but there are also alternatives for making detergents at home.

In search of a more environmentally friendly lifestyle, many people have already started to make use of these alternatives. That’s why we have the recipe for baking soda tabs ready for you.

The benefits of using baking soda in the home

Soda tabs for the toilet

The soda tabs can be easily made at home. They are the perfect alternative to complex chemical products, as their harmless ingredients have the same effect.

You can remove bad smells and germs by just flushing the toilet. They also leave a feeling of freshness that lasts all day long.

This home remedy combines various advantages of commercially available remedies:

  • It has an antibacterial and antifungal effect .
  • Avoids the accumulation of debris in the drain.
  • Regular use will reduce stains caused by limescale and moisture.
  • Long-lasting citrus aroma.
  • Inexpensive.
  • Usually does not cause allergic reactions.
  • The components decompose easily and do not cause any damage to the environment.

    Would you like to try the soda tabs? Then read through our recipe!

    Soda tabs to disinfect the toilet

    Citric acid


    • 1 cup of baking soda (200 gr)
    • 1/2 cup citrus acid powder (85 gr)
    • 45 drops of lemon essential oil
    • 40 drops of mint essential oil
    • 40 drops of lavender essential oil


    • First, put the baking soda and citrus acid powder in a deep container.
    • Then mix the essential oils in a spray bottle and spray them over the powders.
    • Spray all of the oil until you get a firm paste.
    • If necessary, you can also use a little water or, preferably, even more essential oil.
    • Then put the paste in molds and let it dry for 24 to 48 hours.

    annotation : Do not moisten the product too much, otherwise the bubbly effect of the baking soda will be lost.


    • After the tabs have dried, you should store them in an airtight container so that they do not lose their aroma.
    • Every time you want to sanitize your toilet, all you have to do is throw in a baking soda tab.
    • You can use them up to three times a week.

    What else to watch out for

    Hand cleaning toilet

    Did you know that there are many natural products that can be used to clean the bathroom and kitchen ?

    Avoid chemicals and better opt for white vinegar, lemon juice, and coarse salt. Try them out and you will see how they will soon become your favorites!

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