Skin Care For Age Spots Or Freckles

An adequate supply of fluids, both internally and externally, is of great importance. Diet can also cause spots to appear, so alcohol and bad fats should be avoided.

Skin care for age spots or freckles

The brown patches of skin on the hands that appear over time are a clear sign of aging. In this post you will find tips on skin care for  age spots or freckles.

What should i know about age spots ?

As the years go by, blemishes appear on our skin due to a melatonin imbalance. Therefore, older people have more age spots on different parts of the body, but especially on the hands, neck, shoulders, arms and face.

Certain factors influence the occurrence, such as exposure to the sun, inadequate skin care, genetic predisposition.

Diet, water consumption, alcohol, nicotine, make-up, use of certain cosmetic products, menopause, pregnancy, drug intake, etc. are factors.


Preventive measures are of great help in preventing or postponing its appearance. Those who already have spots on their skin often want to cover up or remove them.

The following should be observed for prevention:

  • Be careful with direct sunlight, especially during the summer months, as it can cause spots to appear. Use sun protection, even sun blockers for fair skin types (a high sun protection factor, SPF for children). Don’t forget your hands when applying lotion.
  • Moisturize your hands regularly to prevent stains.
  • Drink plenty of water. Toxins are broken down, the aging of the skin and the rest of the body cells is delayed.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants. This helps keep the skin young and healthy. Spots and freckles are avoided.
  • In the event that the spots are very deep or have existed for a long time, consult a doctor.

Natural care for stains on the hands

This treatment requires a lightening cream, lemon juice and a sunscreen with SPF. First, the lightening cream is applied to the affected area regularly to reduce the spots.

Don’t forget to always put on sunscreen before leaving the house! Make-up appropriate for your skin tone can cover up the stains in the meantime.

Apply lemon juice to the stains once a week, avoiding exposure to the sun that day as this may worsen the stains.


More Tricks To Prevent Age Spots:

  • Apply aloe vera gel twice a day. Whey is also great. Simply apply to your hands with a cotton ball.
  • A mixture of apple cider vinegar and cream (1: 1) works great against stains, whether on the hands or any other skin area.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is also a good ally against skin spots. Apply with cotton wool every day before going to bed.
  • Apply dandelion tea (1 spoon per cup of water) 2-3 times a day. Dandelions are easy to find. Take the milky liquid from the stem and apply it to your hands every day.
  • Grind 1/3 cup of chickpeas and add some water. Soak the paste all day and apply it to the skin every evening. Once the paste is completely dry, it can be washed off.

Hand massage

Freckles on the hands

You can also use various natural remedies for freckles:

  • Apply cress or parsley juice (pressed) with a little water before going to bed and then leave it on all night. Wash off in the morning.
  • Warm a glass of beer in a double boiler. Remove before boiling point and let cool down a little. Then wash your hands with it. Then repeat daily for two weeks. Then apply some castor or olive oil after the treatment to protect the skin.
  • Heat 1.5 spoons of radish powder with a cup of sour cream or sour cream. Then add 1.5 spoons of oatmeal. Mix well and then massage in in a circular motion.
  • Mix a cup of water with a little salt, lemon juice and a spoonful of alcohol. Then apply to hands before going to bed, wash off in the morning.
  • Mix a little sugar with lemon juice. Apply to each freckle with a brush (if there aren’t many). Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse off.
  • Mix 1 spoonful of honey with the juice of a lemon until a paste is formed. Apply this to the freckles and then leave it on for 30 minutes. Lemon dries out the skin, but it is enriched with honey.
  • Puree three strawberries and two apricots. Apply to hands and then wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Rub a slice of papaya on the freckles daily. Let it dry or leave it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off. The skin is cleansed and then shines again.

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