Skin Care For A Red Pigment Mark?

Garlic not only helps with warts, it can also be used to remove birthmarks. You can use this treatment externally or internally.

Skin care for a red pigment mark?

A small, red pigment mark is not a concern, it does not pose a health risk. However, if it is aesthetically disturbing for you, there are various methods of removal.

In this post we explain why these pigment marks arise and what treatment options and natural home remedies are available. In addition, you will find a few general skin care tips.

What does a red pigment mark look like ?

It is round and red and usually has a maximum diameter of 2 mm. These pigment marks usually appear in the chest area, neck and arms.

Why do these pigment marks arise?

Usually these occur with increasing age. People with fair skin are also more sensitive to it. The causes are usually  a dilation of small blood vessels in the skin and too much exposure to the sun.

How can you remove pigment marks?

If the pigment marks are small, you can cover them up with a correction pen or make-up, but there are also various methods of removing them completely. The general practitioner and specialist can advise you in this case and recommend the best method.

  • Surgery:  Surgical intervention is usually only performed on larger, deep pigmentation marks. The mark is then removed and the incision is then sewn. This can be painful and usually leaves a scar.
  • Laser therapy:  This method is quick, painless and has hardly any side effects.
  • Cryotherapy:  In this case, liquid nitrogen is injected onto the Mal and then the disturbed tissue is removed by the cold effect. Warts are also treated with this technique.

    For those who would like to try a treatment with a natural remedy first, we have a few tips below:

    castor oil

    Castor oil, cotton wool, and medical tape are needed. Put some castor oil on the cotton wool and then attach it to the pigment mark with the adhesive tape. Then renew the cotton wool every day and do this treatment for 7 days.


    Garlic works excellently and is used as in the treatment of warts. Attach a small piece of fresh garlic to the pigment mark every day.

    This is best then renewed twice a day (in the morning and before bed rest). This treatment can then be  supplemented by consuming raw garlic or garlic pearls. 


    Sour apple

    Juice a sour apple and apply the juice to the pigment spot at least three times a day for 3 weeks. This treatment is slow and requires patience. But it is very effective and gradually the little red spot will disappear.

    Skin care

    In order to prevent the appearance of new pigment marks, good skin care is essential, especially for sensitive, light skin.

    • Never  forget sun protection ! Especially in summer at noon (between noon and 4 p.m.) when there is intense sunlight, the skin should be protected and staying outdoors should be avoided.
    • Carry out a natural peeling with gentle products once a week or every 2 weeks.
    • The skin needs nutrients and moisture! Don’t forget to use vegetable oils and moisturizers to condition your skin.
    • Natural fabrics such as cotton and linen  should be preferred.
    • A balanced diet  is essential for healthy skin. Fresh fruit and vegetables as well as healthy fats nourish the skin and keep it healthy and vital.
    • If possible, take a shower with cold water  or at least finish the shower with cold water to improve blood circulation. Water that is too hot weakens the skin and then makes it slack.

    Images provided by morberg.


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