Sinusitis During Pregnancy: 5 Tips To Treat It

Symptoms of sinusitis include pain around the eyes and a stuffy nose. Today we have a few simple tips to reduce the annoying discomfort.

Sinusitis During Pregnancy: 5 Tips To Treat It

Today’s article covers 5 tips for treating sinusitis during pregnancy. Find out below how you can relieve the symptoms in a safe and gentle way.

Sinusitis is generally an unpleasant thing. So it is not surprising that pregnancy usually makes this condition even worse, since in addition to the symptoms, there are also the symptoms and limitations of pregnancy.

Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses. It is an infection that is found in the cavities of the nasal bones through which air passes when you breathe. Therefore, congested sinuses and pain in the area around the eyes are symptoms of this condition.

What is Sinusitis?

As we mentioned earlier, it is an inflammation of the sinuses. The causes are varied and can, for example, result from allergies, an infection or nose problems.

Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses
Inflammations of the sinuses are usually very annoying and can have a variety of causes.

There are usually several types of sinusitis:

  • Acute if it lasts about four weeks.
  • Subacute if it lasts four to 12 weeks.
  • Chronic if it lasts for more than 12 weeks or even months or years.
  • Recurring when a person suffers from it several times a year

The characteristic symptoms of the disease are pain in the eyes and cheeks and a stuffy nose. However, other symptoms may also occur, such as:

  • to cough
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • fever
  • Dripping nose

A doctor makes the diagnosis after examining the nose and face and evaluating the symptoms. Once sinusitis is diagnosed, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics, decongestants, and pain relievers to treat it.

However, medication treatments are often not possible in pregnant women. This is because a pregnant woman should avoid taking certain medications. You should therefore always strictly follow the instructions of your doctor.

Rhinitis of pregnancy

On the other hand, you shouldn’t confuse sinusitis with rhinitis of pregnancy. While sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses, rhinitis is inflammation of the lining of the nose.

There is also a type of rhinitis called “pregnancy rhinitis” because it usually occurs during pregnancy and goes away after delivery. Symptoms of this type of rhinitis include nasal congestion, itching, sneezing, and coughing.

The experts are not sure about the causes, but neither mother nor child are in danger. However, rhinitis is bothersome and can affect sleep. This in turn, in addition to the symptoms of pregnancy such as tiredness, headache or nausea, can lead to great discomfort for the pregnant woman.

Tips for treating sinusitis during pregnancy

Since a pregnant woman should never self-medicate and avoid taking medication without medical supervision, it may be time to consider some natural tips that can help you feel better and relieve the painful symptoms of sinusitis.

A pregnant woman should also avoid taking natural herbal remedies based on plants, herbs, or alternative medicine. For this reason, the tips that we give you below are absolutely natural and do not endanger pregnancy.

1. Drink plenty of fluids

If you have sinusitis during pregnancy, drink plenty of water
Adequate hydration makes the mucus more fluid and reduces the pressure in the sinuses.

Treatment of sinusitis is mainly symptomatic. Therefore, one of the most important tips is to drink enough . Experts recommend that pregnant women drink plenty of water and natural juices. This makes it easier for nasal secretions to drain away, which in turn relieves sinus congestion.

2. Lift your pillow when you go to sleep

Bad posture during bedtime can make you cough more. Raising your head a little higher can bring relief. This way you breathe easier and the mucus can drain away better. You don’t have to cough and sneeze as much.

3. Do steam baths for sinusitis relief during pregnancy

You can use a humidifier at night to keep your nasal passages clear. We also recommend a steam bath during the day to clear the airways. Just heat water and inhale the steam. Cover your head with a towel to keep the steam from escaping, but be careful not to burn yourself. This will loosen the mucus and improve your breathing.

A steam room can help relieve sinus infection symptoms
Steam helps open your nostrils and liquefy the accumulated mucus.

4. Use a saline solution to treat sinusitis during pregnancy

To reduce the swelling of your nasal cavities, experts recommend nasal irrigation with natural saline solution. Physiological saline solutions, which you can get at the pharmacy, are a safe and natural product in this regard. This means that pregnant women can use them without any problems.

However, you can also make your own saline solution at home by mixing the following ingredients:

  • 1 teaspoon (5 g) salt (without iodine)
  • A pinch of baking powder
  • 0.5 liters of distilled, filtered or boiled water

The use of this in-house saline solution clears clogged airways.

5. Use nasal strips during pregnancy to treat sinusitis

You can also use nasal strips to avoid the symptoms of sinusitis . These strips will help open your airways so that you can breathe more easily. You can also use them at night to relieve constipation and get a good night’s sleep.

In addition to the above tips for relieving sinusitis , keep in mind that you must strictly adhere to your doctor’s recommendations during pregnancy . Only he can tell you whether and which medication you can take. You should also not use natural remedies without medical advice.

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