Side Effects Of Stress

Side effects of stress can be quite paradoxical, such as lack of sleep, although one is actually in need of rest.

Side effects of stress

Unfortunately, side effects of stress can make the stress even worse, because lack of sleep, for example, creates errors that increase stress. The weakened immune system leads to diseases that are anything but stress-reducing. Find out what the side effects of stress are!

What are the side effects of stress?

Side effects of stress are not always clearly recognizable as such. Sometimes it is also not entirely clear whether it is a side effect of stress or one of many causes of stress.

In most cases, the triggers and side effects of stress create a kind of web that keeps stressed people trapped and makes it increasingly difficult to escape stress. Recognize to differentiate what side effects of stress and what triggers are, because with the recognition you can also improve the condition.

lack of sleep

One might think that those who suffer from stress need to relax and are therefore particularly tired and sleep well at night. But one of the side effects of stress is that the stress wanders into bed and robs us of sleep there.

The lack of sleep in turn leads to poor concentration and mistakes, which only increase stress. One solution could be to put a piece of paper and a pen on the bedside table and  write down all the thoughts “I still have to do this” and “I forgot that” or “This is very, very important!” To get them out of my head to get and find rest to fall asleep.

The cell phone is also part of the cycle of constant stress as a sleep-reducing stress factor and should be banned from bedrooms. The glow of the screen prevents the release of sleep-inducing serotonin and reading the latest horror news or work-related emails is certainly not conducive to sleep …


Stress weakens the immune system and so infections and minor illnesses are also side effects of stress. And if you think you don’t have time for “nothing” because of all the stress, a day in bed only has a more negative effect on the general stressful situation. Do you mean

In reality, you could use a bad cold, a bit of fever, severe headache or other health restrictions as an emergency brake, which also aim to do just that. Deliberately withdraw, cancel all appointments and then realize with more or less great astonishment that the world continues to turn even without you.

A day in bed can be quite annoying as side effects of stress, but it is a chance to escape the hamster wheel and to calmly organize thoughts and prioritize things. Because while you are lying in bed, no disasters happen that you think you have to prevent with your presence or your actions …


There are two completely opposite side effects of stress on your eating habits: either the stress makes you gain weight or it makes you lose weight. What causes one to lose their appetite due to the sheer stress and makes them feel bad, leads to frustration and excessive calorie intake in others.

In the event of stress, you can use the diet for yourself in such a way that it gives you strong nerves and reduces stress! Instead of fast food or just a few little things in between, the right diet is rich in grain products from which your body can produce nerve food, including serotonin, when you are under stress.


Anyone who eats in a rushed manner probably already knows the side effects of stress:

  • Flatulence
  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • Stomach pain and
  • other digestive problems.

    This is because stressful food is not chewed properly, which can lead to stomach pain and gas. Even the swallowing of air at fast food leads to stomach upset and bloating.

    Unfamiliar food “quickly in between” can be stressful for your intestinal flora and fast food can lead to constipation due to a lack of fiber. The solution? Consciously take a break from eating, enjoy every bite, chew it well, taste intense and breathe relaxed.


    Our entire body is tense under stress, we tense up unconsciously and adopt a posture that leads to muscle tension. This muscle tension can lead to the following pain:

    • Back pain
    • Neck pain
    • a headache
    • Jaw pain
    • Chest pain

      The solution here, too, would be to relax. Since this is difficult in times of stress, take your help if you ask a sauna plan with a friend, you a massage literally or yourself sets a date in the calendar to which you a date with your bathtub have.

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