Resilience – How You Can Become Mentally Resilient

Everyone has to learn to be mentally resilient; it is simply a set of thoughts and attitudes that anyone can learn and develop in order to adapt to and overcome adverse situations. The people with whom we surround ourselves are of decisive importance.

Resilience - how you can become mentally resilient

You have to learn to be mentally resilient. But why? Because it will help you deal with difficult situations like overcoming a loss. Okay, but what exactly is resilience and how can you acquire it? Just read on and find out.

What is resilience?

Resilience could be defined as follows: it is the ability to overcome adversity by doing your best in the face of tragedy, trauma, threats, and severe stress .

However, being mentally resilient does not mean that a person has no feelings or experiences no difficulties. In fact, everyone feels sadness, insecurity, discomfort, and physical or emotional pain at some point in life.

As you can see, being mentally resilient or resilient means that you are able to adapt and overcome problems despite any obstacles that may arise and despite the impact a particular situation may have on you.

Furthermore, resilience is not something you have or don’t have. Rather, it encompasses a set of thoughts, emotions, and attitudes that anyone can learn and develop.

Influencing factors to be mentally resilient

Many studies show that emotional support is one of the most important factors when it comes to being mentally resilient. This is because you become more resilient when you are surrounded by people who care for you, support you, and trust you.

Other related factors:

  • First of all, a positive self-perception – trust in your strengths and weaknesses.
  • You also need to be an experienced communicator and problem solver. This means that you view your problems as challenges that you must overcome, rather than potential threats.
  • In addition, you need the ability to forge realistic plans and to deal with your feelings and impulses with an appropriate level of self-control.

How can you become mentally resilient?

be resilient - playing cat

The basic characteristics of mentally resilient people:

  • You are realistic.
  • They are convinced that their life has a purpose.
  • They also have a strong need to improve.


  • Can you control your emotions
  • and are empathetic.
  • They can also identify the causes of their problems very precisely.
  • You consider yourself competent.
  • And they have confidence.

The most important characteristic of a resilient person lies in their way of thinking and thinking style. A mentally resilient person is realistic and flexible.

How can you be resilient?

Resilience is not something some people have and some don’t. It encompasses a range of skills and attitudes that you can develop. But how? Here are some tips how you can work on it:

1. Build relationships

We mentioned earlier that emotional support is one of the most important factors in helping us become more psychologically resilient.

Good interpersonal relationships, the ability to receive help and support that other people offer us, as well as helping those who need our help, builds our resilience.

2. Realistic and constructive thinking leads to resilience

You cannot prevent threatening or stressful events from occurring in life. But what do you change can is the way, how you interpret and react to them.

From a broad perspective, view the problems as challenges to be overcome. Believing that you are able to face them and find solutions will help you be more resilient.

3. You are mentally resilient when you accept reality

Accepting that change is an essential part of life is critical to adjustment. That’s because without them the adjustment process would stagnate.

4. Trust in yourself

You don’t know what you’re capable of until you try it out. Plus, you might even be surprised at how much you can actually achieve.

5. Develop and set goals

Get active. Don’t just stand and wait for things to come to you. Set goals and fight for them.

6. Search for opportunities for self-discovery

Often times, after overcoming an adversity or difficult situation, people become smarter and wiser. That way, you will learn something new about yourself every time you face your demons.

In addition, there are many other ways you can develop your resilience. All you have to do is identify the activities that will allow you to develop your own strategy to strengthen them.

Finally, we have one more sentence for you to think about:

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