Refreshing: Ice Cubes For Skin Care

Ice cubes are not only refreshing when they are in cold drinks.

Refreshing: ice cubes for skin care

You should always have a few ice cubes in the freezer compartment, because you can use them not only in drinks, but also for cosmetics.

Today we will show you many possible uses! The ice cubes should consist of pure (performance) water and should not contain any additives such as lemon juice, etc.

Ice cubes: refreshment for the skin

One thing in advance .. When using ice cubes, you should definitely make sure that you never leave them in one place for too long.

Otherwise you will achieve the opposite. Your skin is damaged by the cold too much!

Freezing the skin is just as damaging as a burn. Depending on the severity, the skin can then peel off. The tricky thing: unlike a burn, you don’t notice the frostbite for a long time, because the cold stimulus numbs the pain sensation.

So when you use ice cubes, make sure to always slide them over your skin in circular motions.

If you really want to use it for cooling, to relieve pain, reduce swelling or reduce inflammation, ice cubes should never be in direct contact with the skin!

In this case, put the cubes in a freezer bag, seal it, and place it in a washcloth or wrap it in a kitchen towel. The additional layer of fabric protects the skin from frostbite!

Ice cubes

Ice massage

The ice massage originally comes from the field of medical massage. It is mostly used there to relieve pain in a clearly defined area and to temporarily numb it.

There are different ways of performing an ice massage. The simplest is certainly a disposable plastic cup, which is ¾ filled with water in the freezer compartment and becomes a practical massage tool.

The cup has a surface on the upper edge where you can hold and guide the cup for a long time without getting your fingers frostbitten.

Another variant is that of an ice pack that is filled with ice cubes and some water. If the ice massage is to be used for pain therapy, only the affected area is treated intensively with ice.

After 3-10 minutes of use, the anesthetic should have started due to the cold effect.

In the hot summer months, however, the ice massage serves to refresh and cool the entire body.

In order to make the refreshment lasting, an ice massage can be followed by rubbing in with menthol, tea tree oil or other alcohol-containing mixtures with essential oils.

The evaporation coolness of the alcohol also cools!

Ice cube skin

Against puffy eyes

Anyone who sleeps too little, has looked too deeply into the glass in the evening or suffers from allergies, knows this: puffy eyes when looking in the mirror in the morning.

If you have a few ice cubes in stock, you can quickly remedy the situation! Simply slide an ice cube over the skin in circular, gentle movements around the eyes.

Do not apply any pressure and never leave the cube in one place! The melt water also provides evaporative cooling. The cold stimulus itself causes the vessels to contract and excess stored tissue water is removed.



If you find it painful to pluck your eyebrows, you can use ice cubes to help.

Before plucking, numb the skin in the relevant area with ice and repeatedly smear it with a piece of ice while plucking to let the effect last.

You will find that this makes plucking your eyebrows less painful. The reddening and irritation of the skin is less then!

Ice cubes

Complexion Freshener

We all know how rosy and fresh our facial skin looks when we come back into the warmth after a walk in the fresh air in winter.

In summer you can easily conjure up this refreshment on your face with ice cubes!

To do this, rub your cheeks with ice cubes. Work synchronously, that is, an ice cube in each hand and work on both cheeks at the same time.

This is how you achieve evenly distributed freshness on the face with rosy cheeks. Also ideal for refreshing your skin in summer!


Pimple swell

If a particularly nasty pimple is sprouting on your face that is thick and red, ice can help calm it down.

First, the cold causes the affected stimulus to swell and, second, the cold ensures that the inflammation goes down. Cooling over a longer period is recommended here.

To do this, put an ice cube in a small freezer bag and wrap it with a handkerchief. Now hold the mini ice pack directly on the pimple while you read a book, for example. The longer you let the wrapped ice cube work, the more lasting the effect.

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