Psoriasis In Children

Psoriasis in children often affects not only the skin, but also the psyche of the little patient.

Psoriasis in children

Psoriasis in children and adults is an inflammatory disease that originates from the autoimmune disease and is generally chronic. Because flakes form on the skin, it can affect the child’s psychology. We must therefore support it in every way.

How does psoriasis develop in children?

Psoriasis in children and adults is an inflammatory skin disease also known as psoriasis.

In ancient and medieval times it was mistaken for scabies (caused by mites) or, worse, leprosy. However, these three diseases have nothing to do with each other.

How psoriasis develops in children and adults has not yet been conclusively researched. Autoimmune reactions or genetic factors are suspected, but have not yet been definitively scientifically proven.

People who suffer from psoriasis can develop very flaky areas of skin on various parts of the body, where the skin becomes reddish and itchy and flakes off in areas the size of the palm of the hand.

This is due to the fact that the skin in these areas renews itself many times faster than normal and the skin flakes that die off extremely quickly as a result are shed.

It is now believed that the disease can affect other parts of the body, such as ligaments, joints and other soft tissues. Inflammation in the eye, for example the retina, is also often associated with psoriasis.


Possible trigger factors

There are a few factors that can trigger or worsen a psoriasis outbreak in children . Among them we can highlight:

  • Bacterial or viral infections
  • skin changes caused by fungi
  • Injuries
  • Skin changes
  • Psychological factors, especially stress.
  • Excessive exposure to the sun (burns)
  • Lack of sunlight

However, what exactly leads to psoriasis in children has not yet been conclusively researched and can vary from child to child.

Psoriasis in children


First of all, it is necessary to go to the doctor with the child. Only the pediatrician can diagnose psoriasis in children and indicate the appropriate treatment from there.

In general, the pediatrician may prescribe therapy based on moisturizers or other superficial treatments (such as salicylic acid).

In any case, we must keep in mind that psoriasis can appear suddenly in children and affect their aesthetics, especially if psoriasis is widespread. This can be a psychological stress even for small children.

Therefore, it is very important to help the child to overcome and accept the problem, and also to provide psychological support. We need to increase the self-esteem of the little patients.

In addition, it must be explained that the treatment is only beneficial for them and that the dandruff and discomfort can go away, even if they are chronic.

What helps against psoriasis?

According to current medical and scientific standards, the disease cannot be cured. But there are cases in which the disease heals spontaneously and does not break out again.

Those who do not share this happiness have various options to at least alleviate the suffering. Doctors, pharmacies and retailers have various means ready for this. But there are alternatives that can also help to relieve itching and reduce skin dryness. We present you a selection!

Child on the beach

Sun against psoriasis in children

There are medical studies that show that UV radiation can be effective in relieving the symptoms of psoriasis.

It is of course healthier to only apply this UV radiation specifically to the affected areas and with special UV lamps, but when you are traveling, sunlight alone can help to alleviate the symptoms.

Salt baths

It doesn’t have to be a long trip to the Dead Sea, you can also use Dead Sea salt baths at home in your own bathtub .

If you don’t have a bathtub, only topical application of the saline solution is possible, for example by dipping your knees or elbows in a container filled with salt water. It is ideal to combine the use of such brine baths with subsequent exposure to UV light.

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Kangalfish against psoriasis in children

What is now known as the “Fish Spa” can also be successful in treating psoriasis. Special kanga fish nibble and suckle the affected areas of the skin so that the scales gently loosen and the skin appears smoother.

In combination with subsequent skin care, a visit to such a fish spa can bring relief for up to five days, depending on the severity of the disease.


This therapy, which is still very new, has the advantage that a defined laser beam is used to apply the radiation very precisely to only the affected skin areas and the surrounding skin areas do not have to be irradiated, as is usual with the conventional use of UV light.

The radiation promotes the healing of the inflammation foci of the skin and thus leads to a relief of the symptoms.

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