Prepare Juicy Pork Loin: 3 Recipes

Juicy pork tastes delicious and can be prepared very easily. Today we have 3 different recipes for you that the whole family will enjoy. 

Prepare juicy pork loin: 3 recipes

What’s your favorite way to cook pork? Do you have a favorite recipe or are you looking for new alternatives? Today we have a few tips for you to prepare juicy pork loin  : in the oven, in the pan or with breading. All three recipes are simple and delicious. Try them out! 

3 recipes for juicy pork loin

1. Saddle of pork in the oven

Saddle of pork in the oven
Pork steaks with a little fat are particularly juicy and can be prepared in a variety of ways.

When you choose the meat, make  sure that it has a thin layer of fat, as this will make it particularly juicy and tasty. The loin of pork is cooked slowly in the oven, but the fat protects the meat from drying out.


  • A whole pork loin
  • Vegetables to taste (optional)
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar (20 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika powder (4 g)
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper (4 g)
  • olive oil
  • salt


  • The meat is marinated with olive oil, garlic, vinegar, salt and the other spices in a large ovenproof dish. Cover it and let it sit for at least 2 hours for it to soak up the flavor of these ingredients.
  • Then preheat the oven to 180ºC.
  • If desired, you can add sliced ​​vegetables or potatoes.
  • Then fry in the oven for 20 minutes. Then you turn the meat over and leave it in the oven for another 20 minutes.
  • Then you can turn off the oven and let the pork loin stand for another 10 minutes before cutting and serving.

2. Saddle of pork prepared in the pan

Saddle of pork prepared in the pan
In order for the pork steaks to be juicy, the pan with the oil must initially be very hot. Then you can switch back the temperature.

Pork loin also tastes great when cooked in the pan. It is very easy to prepare and you can do it very quickly. However, you have to be careful that the steaks stay juicy and soft. 

We therefore recommend that you use thick steaks. Cook our recipe step by step, we will explain to you how it is just right inside and out.


  • Pork steaks
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • Black pepper
  • rosemary


  • Take the meat out of the refrigerator in time to allow it to reach room temperature before you cook it. Half an hour is sufficient.
  • Heat some oil in a pan and fry the meat until golden brown on both sides.
  • Then reduce the temperature and fry for another 5 minutes. This will ensure that the meat is soft and juicy and is still well done.
  • You can now season it with salt and other spices as you like.

3. Breaded pork loin

Breaded pork loin
This method of preparation also tastes delicious and very tasty. It is important that the breading is crispy.

Use thicker steaks that are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside with the breading, but not completely cooked. If you want the meat to be cooked through, use thinner meat or choose one of the first two recipes.

We suggest you give the meat  a slightly Mediterranean taste by using aromatic herbs or other spices (smoked paprika powder, cayenn pepper, black pepper, cumin, etc.). 


  • Saddle of pork cut into medium-thick steaks
  • ½ cup maizena (50 g)
  • ½ cup breadcrumbs (60 g)
  • 2 eggs
  • oil
  • salt
  • Aromatic herbs to taste: oregano, basil, parsley, marjoram, thyme, etc.


  • Once the pieces of meat are prepared, toss them in cornstarch.
  • Then you turn them in the beaten and lightly salted eggs and finally in the breadcrumbs.
  • Mix the breadcrumbs with the finely chopped aromatic herbs.
  • Then heat the oil in the pan and fry the breaded pork in it until it is golden brown.
  • Use kitchen paper to remove any excess fat, then serve the breaded steaks.

    With these simple steps you will have cooked quickly. Use different spices to provide variety! 

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