Painting Walls: Try These Five Techniques

Painting walls is not an easy task. But if you still want to try it yourself, just follow our instructions and you will shortly be able to admire the desired effects. Your home will soon shine in a whole new light!

Painting walls: try these five techniques

If you want to paint your walls yourself , then you should think carefully beforehand how you want to proceed. You should also think carefully about the desired result beforehand. Also, since you don’t do this task every day, you should allow yourself enough time to prepare and plan so that the end result meets your expectations.

Of course, a very important factor is the choice of color in which you want to paint your walls . On the one hand, it depends on your personal taste, but it should also suit your interior.

If you want to paint outdoors yourself, you should also consider the surroundings when choosing colors. A harmonious overall picture will certainly also be your goal.

Then you can then think about the painting technique you want to use to decorate your walls. In today’s article we want to introduce you to a few techniques. So you will be well prepared if you decide to paint your home yourself.

Painting walls - paint

Special techniques you can use to paint your walls

1. Paint walls with a blur effect

Without a doubt, the prank technique with a blurring effect is the best way to give your home a unique and very elegant touch. To achieve this effect, you use a wiping technique that you do with a rag.

You do this as follows:

  • First you should put on gloves .
  • Then you fold a rag several times and soak it in turpentine. Make sure the rag is well soaked.
  • Then rub the cloth over a damp wall and you will see how the applied color becomes lighter or disappears completely in the areas that you have worked on.

    There is also another way you can achieve this effect. You need two different colors, a paint tray, a paint roller, newspaper and some plastic.

    You should make sure that you choose two colors from the same color category, but in different nuances.

    If you follow the steps below, you will achieve a nice blurring effect:

    • First, you paint a wall with the paint you want as the base for the effect. You can use either the lighter or the darker shade for this.
    • Then you wrap the paint roller with some plastic. Now you take the second color from the paint tray onto the paint roller. Remove excess paint with a piece of newspaper.
    • Then you roll this paint with the roller on the wall. This creates lighter and darker areas, depending on how intensely and extensively you apply the color.

      2. Beautify your walls with vertical lines

      If you want to paint your walls, then there is a slightly more fancy way to make them elegant and individual.

      The result of this technique is very thin vertical lines on your wall. The special thing about it is that you can barely see the background color. This technique is very effective and very easy to use.

      Simply follow the steps described below:

      • First you paint your walls in a basic color of your choice. This forms the basis for your room color.
      • As long as the paint is still damp, you start to work the wall with a straw broom.
      • It is very important that you always move the broom from top to bottom. You will be able to achieve a great effect in no time.

        While this effect doesn’t have to be entirely accurate, you should still be careful to work as accurately as possible. This will give you relatively even vertical lines.

        3. Use rollers with shapes and patterns

        Painting walls - patterns

        If you want to paint your walls, you can also decorate them with different patterns. You need a special paint roller for this.

        You can buy different paint rolls that have a ready-made pattern on them. You can use it to decorate your walls. These paint rolls were very popular in times when wallpaper was still very expensive and also difficult to stick.

        Once you have selected the pattern with which you want to decorate your walls, simply follow the steps below:

        • Start by painting the walls with a base color. This serves as a background for the pattern, which you will then apply. If the wall that you want to beautify is still in good condition, you can simply leave the previous color on it. However, you should keep in mind that once you have applied the pattern, you will not be able to make any changes. Otherwise you have to repaint the whole wall.
        • Then you apply the desired design to your wall with the decorative paint roller. Note that the color for the design should be stronger so that the pattern comes into its own. To do this, you dip the paint roller deeply into the paint so that it can soak up completely with it. You can easily remove excess paint with a piece of newspaper or with a paint grid.
        • Now you always paint the wall from top to bottom and work your way along the whole wall
        • You should also make sure that you don’t leave too much space between the individual lines so that a continuous pattern results. But if you don’t want to decorate everything with the pattern, then you should choose a larger distance.

        General tips on painting walls

        You have probably already thought of some of these tips yourself, but for the sake of completeness we want to remind you again. You should always follow these tips, no matter what technique you use to paint your walls:

        • Cover your furniture before painting well off. This will avoid unsightly paint splashes and dirt.
        • Always start painting at the top of the wall, as close to the ceiling as possible.
        • In addition, you should always try out each color and the color effects in advance before painting the entire wall.
        • Always paint in a well-lit and ventilated room. Also, keep in mind that the colors will darken as they dry.
        • In any case, you should buy high quality paints. Because if you use inferior quality paints, the result may not be good. Any rework and corrections that may be required could ultimately wipe out your savings when purchasing the colors.
        • It is also important that you let each layer of paint dry for at least six hours before applying the next layer.

        After reading this article, you now know how to paint your walls and how to beautify them with different techniques.

        What are you waiting for? The best thing to do is to start beautifying your apartment right away! And if you don’t want to do it yourself, then of course there are also professional painters and decorators who can design your own four walls the way you imagine it.

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