Orange Juice Every Day? Here Are The Benefits

If you start the day with a glass of orange juice on an empty stomach, it will keep you energized and in a good mood for the rest of the day and is also good for your health.

Orange juice every day?  Here are the benefits

If you drink orange juice early in the morning every day, it can give us a lot of energy and keep us in a good mood throughout the day. Orange juice is high in citrates, which can prevent kidney stones from forming.

This juice also contains flavonoids, such as hesperidin, which can reduce the risk of heart attacks by up to 19%. Orange juice can also lower bad cholesterol and blood pressure, which can help prevent heart disease.

It is also a good source of vitamin C, which can prevent colds. Orange juice also helps digestion and makes for a slim line.

 More advice

  • If you drink orange juice on an empty stomach in the morning, it helps cleanse the organism and improve digestion.
  • Those who drink orange juice every day reduce the risk of being overweight by almost 14%. 
  • Orange juice reduces cell oxidation and can thus delay aging and prevent diseases, especially if you drink the juice daily with food.
    Orange juice is high in vitamin C.

    It is advisable to drink orange juice with meat, lentils and ham sandwiches, as the iron from these foods can be absorbed much more easily. Especially people who suffer from anemia should drink the juice frequently. 

    The orange contains a lot of vitamin C and is ideally suited to produce collagen, which keeps the tissue healthy and elastic.

    Every day orange juice has many health benefits

    Digestive system

    Various studies have shown that orange juice also has a positive effect on the stomach and can regulate its functions.

    Gastritis and stomach ulcers

    Making orange juice a habit between meals can  break down excess stomach acid and relieve stomach ulcers.

    The liver

    If you drink orange juice between meals, you will avoid poor digestion as well as flatulence and the fermentation of foods that can result from an underactive liver.

    Diarrhea and constipation

    Orange juice every day helps relieve constipation.

    Orange juice has the ability to regulate bowel functions.

    Digestive problems

    Orange juice diluted with water can very well help with poor digestion and digestive problems, as it removes the waste products that are the cause of this disorder.

    Urinary tract

    Orange juice offers you many alkalizing properties, which play a big role in cleaning the blood. It dissolves the acids that can lead to kidney stones and thus helps to avoid them.

    Gout or arthritis

    If uric acid builds up in the joints in people with arthritis or gout, it can cause severe pain. Drinking orange juice every day can provide relief.


    Orange juice every day is healthy for diabetes

    Orange juice is also recommended for people who suffer from type II diabetes, as it contains little sugar and also has dehydrating properties. It can help regulate high blood sugar levels.

    Orange juice also reduces the risk of developing the sequelae of diabetes. These are infections, difficult scarring and visual disturbances.

    Anti aging

    Thanks to its many antioxidants, orange juice is a very effective remedy for free radicals. Those who drink a lot of orange juice regularly can reduce the effects of the “ravages of time”, which can impair the organism.


    Orange juice can help improve blood circulation and thus prevent the formation of thrombi and atherosclerosis.

    Blood pressure

    As blood circulation improves, high blood pressure also decreases.


    It has been proven that vitamin C can prevent deafness.

    Loss of vision

    Consuming vitamin C can help prevent cataracts and other eye diseases that can lead to vision loss.


    Vitamin C plays a huge role in preventing cancer.


    With this, we with all foods, one should always aim for a moderate consumption. Drinking orange juice every day is very healthy, but only as long as you don’t overdo it.

    In some individuals orange juice can allergies or migraine trigger. This can be different for everyone. The quality is also decisive, preferably drink freshly squeezed orange juice!

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