Obesogene: The Secret Fattening Food?

Obesogens are often found in plastic and, in contact with food, can impair the hormonal balance and endanger health.

Obesogene: The secret fattening food?

Obesogens  are artificial substances that influence the hormonal balance and can lead to overweight or obesity. These substances are particularly dangerous when they are present in early childhood and in a continuous manner. They can also trigger other diseases.

Phthalates as obesogens

These are substances that are often used as plasticizers. Phthalates are non-toxic and are broken down in the liver,  but they have a negative impact on health, particularly weight. 

A study published in the journal Chemosphere shows that exposure to these substances during pregnancy can result in the baby being lighter at birth. In  later years, however, phthalates increase the risk of obesity, even in adulthood. 

Obesogens in cosmetics

Bisphenol A.

This chemical compound can be found in various types of plastic and cans for soft drinks. The risk of bisphenol A is that it can get through the packaging into the food and so in turn into the human organism. 

An article published in the journal Environmental  Health suggests that bisphenol A could lead to metabolic diseases. This substance can trigger diabetes or high blood pressure, for example, and subsequently cause other diseases.

Obesogenic in plastic

Tobacco smoke

Obesogens, which are associated with a higher risk of cancer, are also found in tobacco smoke, according to  a study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research . Not only smokers themselves, but also passive smokers are at risk because these obesogens could have a very negative effect on the hormonal balance and general health.

How can you avoid obesogens?

In order to maintain health, it is not only important to eat a varied and balanced diet. You should also pay attention to  the packaging, as it can contain various harmful substances. 

For this reason  , it is advisable to always buy fresh, organic food and to avoid plastic packaging as much as possible. It is also important not to refill single-use plastic bottles. Of course, it is even better not to use it at all and to use a glass bottle from the start.

However, there are factors that are very difficult to control. If the environment is contaminated by tobacco smoke, for example, you are also at risk as a passive smoker, but you cannot always prevent this.

For this reason, it is advisable to  include antioxidant foods in the diet to counteract cell damage and improve the hormonal balance.

Obesogens are harmful to health

Many connections between obesogenes and health have not yet been adequately researched, but many scientists assume that they have a negative effect on the organism. 

They should therefore be avoided as much as possible. It is best to opt for organic food without plastic packaging. For cosmetics, you should read the product description carefully to avoid obesogens.

Despite all caution, it is practically  impossible to avoid all contact with these substances. You should therefore also pay attention to a healthy diet rich in antioxidants to counteract cell damage.

A varied and balanced diet also supports a healthy endocrine system  and reduces markers associated with metabolic complaints.

On the other hand, don’t forget  that regular exercise also plays a fundamental role. Combining exercise with a healthy diet can improve your overall wellbeing.

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