Nutrition For Strong Bones And Joints

A stable muscular system always belongs to a healthy bone structure and joint system!

Nutrition for strong bones and joints

As you get older, it’s important to keep your bones and joints strong . But even as a young person, accidents, falls or illnesses may force you to pay particular attention to the development and maintenance of your bone mass.

We’ll explain to you what the right diet looks like!


What are bones made of?

Bones are not only made of lime, as you might think, that would make them very brittle and we would break our bones much more often!

Components that we can influence through our diet include: collagen, calcium and magnesium. If these elements are contained in the right amount in the bone, it is stable, but at the same time flexible and can support our body as a “scaffold”.

Muscles support bones

Without our muscles, we would collapse into a big pile of bones. Only through our muscles can we stay upright and move.

Our muscles also contribute to the correct stability of the bones and joints . If our muscular system is poorly developed due to poor nutrition or a lack of exercise, joint damage can quickly occur due to incorrect loading and, in the worst case, incorrect posture can lead to deformation of the bones.

A stable muscular system is therefore always part of a healthy bone structure and joint system!

Nutrition for healthy bones and joints

So in your diet, you have to make sure that all three groups of your musculoskeletal system are supplied with what they need. Minerals for bones, collagen for joints, and carbohydrates and protein for muscle mass.


Gelatin for joints

Gelatine can have a supportive effect in the treatment of osteoarthritis. However, the prerequisite for this is that the parts of the body affected by wear still have regenerative cartilage.

If the cartilage is so badly worn or damaged that it can no longer regenerate, gelatine therapy will no longer help.

The gelatine absorbed with the capsules is built into the cartilage that is still there, but it cannot work miracles and build up new cartilage in the joints in cartilage-free areas.

So anyone who suffers from a type of osteoarthritis that is not very advanced can improve their condition with gelatine.

Gelatine is a useful addition to the daily diet not only for the treatment of osteoarthritis, but also for the prevention of damage to the joint cartilage. Because if the articular cartilage is well nourished, it is not so easy to damage.


Gelatin for strong bones

Gelatine can also provide noticeable relief in the case of degenerative diseases of the spine and thus ultimately reduce pain and provide more mobility in everyday life.

Osteoporosis is the most common aging disease of the bones and affects many. Broken bones are the result of bones that have become porous as a result of the disease.

In osteoporosis, gelatin can help keep bones more elastic, lower the risk of fractures, and help reduce pain.


Calcium for strong bones

Our mother already told us that calcium is important for healthy bones, to convince us to drink milk.

Milk alone cannot strengthen bones, calcium can only be built into our bones if vitamin D3 is available.

It is artificially mixed in some dairy products, but your body can produce it itself if you provide it with UV light, for example during a midday walk in the fresh air or a coffee on the balcony.

You don’t have to eat cow’s milk products to get calcium either! Whole grain products, broccoli, kale or almonds are healthy, delicious sources of calcium!

If you buy mineral water, look for a high calcium value there too.

Muscle healthy diet

Our muscles are made up of protein. So our diet should also contain protein to keep muscles going.

Vegetable protein sources such as beans, lentils, peas and products made from such legumes are well suited for this. Animal proteins are usually very fatty (think of cheese, sausage, roast, …), unless you limit yourself to lean dairy products such as low-fat quark.

In order to properly nourish our muscle mass, however, we need carbohydrates. They need the muscles as a fuel in order to be able to work properly and to give our skeleton stable support.

Healthy carbohydrates can be found in grain products. If you choose whole grain products, you also have a source of calcium for your bones on your plate!

Exercise gymnastics

Movement protects bones and joints!

Regular exercise protects against degeneration of muscles, bones and joints !

Light exposure to pressure promotes stable bone mass. Movement keeps muscles (or builds them up) and keeps joints flexible. So: after eating healthy bones and joints, go for a digestive walk!

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