Nerve-calming Natural Remedies

This ailment is different for every person affected, as it is triggered by different causes. Try to figure these out and find a possible way out.

Nerve-calming natural remedies

If you are under stress, you should visit a doctor or therapist and get advice on how to change your lifestyle in order to avoid health problems. Our article is about nerve-soothing natural remedies that could also have a complementary effect.

Stress and pressure for professional, personal or financial reasons can lead to nervousness, overstrain and restlessness. The longer the stressful situation lasts, the more subsequent symptoms become noticeable.

Not everyone can deal with stressful situations equally well. Sedatives can become addictive and should therefore be avoided. However, there are various natural nerve calming remedies that could potentially be effective.

Interesting facts about nervous stress

Nerve problems are usually treated by psychologists or psychiatrists (the latter have the power to prescribe medicines).

Everyone reacts differently to severe nervous stress, but if this becomes permanent, measures should definitely be taken to improve the situation.

Various nervous disorders can have serious consequences, so it is important to consult a doctor early who can prescribe the correct treatment.

The most common causes include:

  • Stress : The modern suffering that affects millions of people around the world. We are often exposed to great pressure, both externally and internally. Symptoms for this are insomnia, chronic exhaustion, illnesses such as flu (due to weakened immune system), nail biting, hair loss, loss of appetite, etc.
  • Depression : In depression, hormones are produced that change brain values.
  • Insomnia : Insomnia is both a cause and a consequence. Sleep disorders worsen alertness and also the immune system. Insomnia is therefore a serious problem that should be addressed as soon as possible.
    Insomnia at 4 a.m.

    Home remedies to calm the nerves

    • 1 glass of orange juice with 2 spoons of honey and a little nutmeg.
    • First prepare a salad with 2 chopped onions and 2 cups of celery as well as other ingredients.
    • Soak 15 almonds overnight, then peel and mix with nutmeg and ginger to make a paste. Take at bedtime.
    • For dinner, prepare lettuce with olive oil. The brew of cooked lettuce leaves can also be helpful.
    Fresh lettuce

    Nerve-calming natural remedies

    • Ginseng  helps against depression, reduces stress and naturally strengthens the nervous system.
    • St. John’s wort has a  calming effect and also helps with depression. Take 2 teaspoons of ground leaves of this plant daily.
    • Borage  regulates the excess of stress-producing hormones. Use a spoonful of dry leaves of this plant per cup of boiling water.
    • Valerian  is the most famous nerve calming herb. Fibrillation, convulsions, insomnia and stress would also be relieved. Drink a cup of valerian tea daily (15 grams of valerian root per cup).
    • Meadow Queen  has a calming and relaxing effect and has a pleasant aroma. 2 teaspoons of flowers per cup are enough for one tea. Take after every meal.
    • Cardamom  is said to be used for various nerve ailments. This plant is also used as a tea or spice for desserts. Cardamom can also be used as a coffee seasoning, but this is not advisable if you have nerve problems.
      A cup of dandelion tea
      • Boldo  has calming and relaxing properties. Therefore, before going to bed, take a cup with 2.5 g Boldo leaves per 100 ml of water.
      • Basil  soothes and strengthens the nervous system. Make a tea with 1 teaspoon of dried leaves per cup and drink it after the main meals.
      • Passiflora (passion flower)  is ideal for insomnia and nervousness before exams or for work-related problems. Take two cups of passiflora tea a day.
      • Melissa  is ideal for disorders of the nervous system. Take as tea three times a day.
      • Marjoram  has calming properties and is therefore excellent for stress, nervousness and insomnia. Take three cups a day with 5 grams of Mayoran each.

        Treatment and prevention

        Not only nerve-soothing natural remedies are very helpful. Relaxing activities are just as important: full baths, relaxation techniques, yoga or meditation.

        Enjoy a quiet moment in the park and focus on your breathing. A massage, relaxing music or the sounds of the sea, tea, looking out the window when it’s raining outside … all these quiet moments are relaxing.

        Many cat owners assure that the purring of their four-legged friends calms the nerves  and lets them forget their worries.

        Take advantage of aromatherapy. Orange aroma, for example, has a very calming effect. However, a steam bath with a few drops of orange essential oil is also excellent. Evening primrose, lavender, lemon balm or passiflora are also suitable for soothing aromatherapy.

        Preventive measures are often key to avoiding serious suffering. Once the cause is known, a solution can also be found.

        Nerve problems are usually the body’s natural response to a problem. It is important to pay attention to the warning signs and to find a solution as soon as possible.

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