Natural Solutions Against Scars

Do not forget that these natural remedies have no immediate effect. They promote skin regeneration and reduce scars if you keep the application constant. 

Natural solutions against scars

Scars look ugly, so it is important to promote wound healing from the beginning so that if possible no scar is created or at least remains small. There are natural solutions to scarring.

Commercially, there are various treatments  for scars , but these are relatively expensive. That is why  today we recommend various natural remedies with which you can treat the scars in order to gradually improve the complexion .

Types of scars

The first thing you need to know is that not all scars are created equal. Depending on the wound or cause (sun exposure, injury …), there are different types.

Basically, a distinction is made between the following types of scars:

  1. Scar deepening (atrophic scar): In this case, too little connective tissue is produced, which is why a “sunken scar” is created that lies deeper than the surrounding skin. One example of this is acne scars.
  2. Scar ridges (keloids): These skin injuries lead to an overproduction of connective tissue. These scars are thick and arched and often irregular in shape.
  3. Scar growths (hypertrophic scar): Here too much connective tissue is formed, which can cause itching and pain. In this case, however, only the area that has been injured is affected.

1. Reduce scars with lemon


Lemon is rich in alpha hydroxy acid, which helps  remove dead skin cells while also having a whitening effect. 

This is why a remedy as simple as lemon juice can reduce scars.


  • Juice of one lemon


  • First of all, the skin is thoroughly cleansed.
  • Then moisten a bit of cotton wool with lemon juice and rub it on the affected area.
  • Let the juice sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse it off.
  • Don’t forget to put on sunscreen when you go outside afterwards, as lemon juice can cause spots on your skin if you are exposed to the sun.

    2. honey

    Honey can also help reduce scars. This stimulates tissue regeneration and promotes wound healing.

    Today we recommend a mixture with baking soda for even better results.


    • 1 tablespoon honey (25 g)
    • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)


    • Mix the two ingredients together for an effective cure.
    • Then apply this mixture to the affected skin area and massage it gently for 3 to 5 minutes.
    • Then put on a hot cloth.
    • Once the cloth is cold, rinse off the home remedy.

    3. onion

    • Onions are also very effective at treating scars.
    • They have anti-inflammatory effects and then inhibit collagen production, which is very important in making the areas lighter.
    • Onion extract is available as a gel and cream. You can apply this to the skin regularly to get rid of impurities.

    4. Aloe vera

    Aloe vera has numerous skin benefits.

    Particularly noteworthy is its ability  to soothe irritated skin and reduce scars,  as it promotes cell regeneration.


    • Cut open an aloe leaf to remove the gel from inside. This is then applied directly to the skin.
    • You can also find aloe vera in many creams, ointments, and gels.
    • It is best to use this healing plant every day.

    5. Currant


    Currants are rich in vitamin C, which promotes wound healing.


    To get all the benefits, you can dry the fruits and then pulverize them, or use them fresh.

    • If you are using powder,  mix it with a few drops of oil to make it easier to apply. You can make a paste from fresh fruit and then apply it.
    • It is an excellent means of speeding up wound healing and then preventing scars. Existing scars can also be reduced with it.

    6. Tea tree essential oil

    Tea tree essential oil has strong antibacterial properties and can  help reduce scars left after surgery and acne scars. 


    Mix a few drops of tea tree essential oil with water and apply to the affected area with a little cotton wool.

    7. Laser

    If all of the methods mentioned do not produce the desired results, laser treatment can be very effective in removing resistant scars.

    This also enables the skin complexion to be unified. However, this treatment is relatively expensive.

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