Natural Remedies For Rhinitis

Around 20% of the population suffer from allergic rhinitis, regardless of age. In this article we will show you natural remedies.

Natural remedies for rhinitis

Anyone with a chronic runny nose knows how uncomfortable it can be. Therefore, in this article, we will show you which natural  remedies for rhinitis there are and how to use them.

Chronic rhinitis leads to a variety of complaints and can have a major impact on the quality of life. An itchy and runny nose drives everyone crazy at some point. Fortunately, there are home remedies that can help naturally.

What is rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis or hay fever is one of the most common nasal diseases. It is characterized as chronic inflammation of the lining of the nose caused by an allergy.

Common allergy triggers include:

  • Dust and dust mites
  • smoke
  • Pollen
  • Animal hair
  • toxic chemicals

A food allergy can also be accompanied by rhinitis.

How do you recognize rhinitis?

Remedies for rhinitis are effective

The symptoms of allergic rhinitis are limited to the nose and throat area. It is therefore important to know how to prevent them. The following are signs of allergic rhinitis:

  • itchy eyes
  • reddened eyes
  • watery eyes
  • attack-like cough
  • stuffy nose
  • itchy nose
  • persistent and transparent nasal mucus

These are the most common symptoms. But there are other, rather rare, signs:

  • exhaustion
  • a headache
  • Sleep disorder
  • swollen nose

Natural remedies for rhinitis

Consulting a specialist and taking proper hygienic measures are definitely viable ways to fight allergic rhinitis.

Just like after an illness, all good habits are beneficial if you have an allergy. In addition, you should constantly follow these measures in order to achieve good results.

The following natural  remedies for rhinitis will help manage symptoms and make breathing easier.


Turmeric is a remedy for rhinitis

Turmeric is not only recommended for allergic rhinitis. This root has also proven to be a good antidote for other types of allergies.

This is because their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help the body fight rhinitis. Turmeric reduces nasal swelling, mucus, and itching.


First mix 6 tablespoons of turmeric powder with 2 tablespoons of honey. Then pour the mixture into a jar. Take two teaspoons of the mixture every day for a month. You will feel the improvement!


Licorice is a shrub with anti-inflammatory properties. Its roots can be used to treat rhinitis because the effects are similar to those of cortisone.

Just like turmeric, licorice is great for treating all types of allergies. You can also use it on a cough. Note, however, that licorice is not suitable for people with high blood pressure!


There are several ways to consume licorice. However, the three simplest are tablets, tea, or as an extract.


Garlic is a remedy for rhinitis

Garlic has three great properties. First of all, it’s very easy to get hold of. Second, it’s not expensive. And thirdly, it contains a lot of healthy substances. It works against viruses and bacteria as well as against inflammation. It also naturally strengthens the immune system.


You can easily use garlic to treat allergic rhinitis. Simply chew two cloves of raw garlic a day. In addition, garlic can be incorporated into many recipes. However, if you consume a lot of garlic, you should consult your doctor.

Green tea

Without question, green tea is one of the most popular remedies in the world. It’s mostly valued for its diuretic properties, but you can also use it to treat rhinitis.

Because green tea contains substances that suppress the production of histamine in the body. In this way, he fights allergic reactions that cause the rhinitis.


When it comes to green tea, regular consumption is important. You should therefore drink it throughout the day. To achieve an effect, we recommend two to three cups a day.

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