Natural Remedies For Burns: Relieve Pain Naturally

If we suffer from a superficial burn, we can treat it at home with some natural remedies. However, if the burn is more severe, it is advisable to see a doctor to avoid complications.

Natural Burn Remedies: Relieve Pain Naturally

Burns are classified according to their severity. In some cases, they will need medical attention to treat the damaged tissue. Most, however, are rather superficial and you can relieve the pain yourself with some natural burn remedies.

Natural remedies for burns: natural pain relief

Even if superficial burns take a while to be treated with home remedies, these natural burn remedies are still very useful in relieving pain and preventing scars.

We can also use it against sunburn.

1. Bee honey as a natural remedy for burns

Honey as a natural remedy for burns
Bee honey soothes the annoying feeling of burning.

Nowadays we are aware of the many benefits that bee honey has for our organism. It helps us control blood sugar and even improves our digestion.

But did you also know that you can apply bee honey as a pomade on the affected areas ?

The honey contains moisturizing substances that help prevent our skin from losing its natural oils.

It also works as an antioxidant that supports cell regeneration and prevents ugly scarring.

All you need to do is put a little honey on a pad and place it on the affected area and then let it soak for at least three hours. Then remove the pad with a little more honey and renew it until your skin is healed.

2. Onion juice as a natural remedy for burns

Onion juice
Onion juice supports wound healing and relieves the burning sensation.

Some vegetables, such as the onion, are known for their antibiotic and wound healing properties.

Their juice contains sulfur-containing ingredients and antioxidants that help soothe redness and burning sensation.

In addition, thanks to the onion juice , the annoying blistering does not occur and it also protects us against bacteria that could cause an infection.

Cut an onion in half and puree it in the blender. Then apply the juice obtained from it on the burn with the help of a clean cloth.

3. Lavender oil

Essential oils have long been used to treat all kinds of health problems.

Lavender oil contains pain relievers and antibacterial agents that protect our skin.

It is one of the most effective natural remedies for burns. It supports skin renewal, relieves burning sensation and minimizes scarring.

Apply the lavender oil to the affected area with your hand or a clean towel. Apply it at least twice a day until the wound has healed.

4. Tomato

Due to its many nutrients, the tomato is used in numerous gastronomy recipes. But the tomato pulp also works to refresh the skin after a burn.

It is high in antioxidants and quickly renews the skin so it doesn’t scars or blotches. Besides, it also relieves pain and blocks blistering.

All you need to do is cut some tomato slices and place them on the affected area. Let it sit there for 20 minutes and then wash it off with plenty of fresh water.

5. Black tea

This natural remedy for burns removes the heat from them. This is due to the tannins it contains, which soothe the feeling of irritation and burning.

Moisten this just 2 or 3 tea bags with cold water. Then place it on the affected area and let it soak in for at least 15 minutes (you can fix it with a bandage).

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