More Light In Dark Rooms Without Electricity: 5 Tips

Saving light has great advantages for the environment and for your own wallet. We therefore have a few tips for you on how you can make dark rooms brighter without using electricity. Read on!

More light in dark rooms without electricity: 5 tips

Every house has some darker rooms or corners that need particularly good lighting. However, there are also alternatives to have more light in  dark rooms  without using electricity.

Read on, we have a few tips for you!

More light in dark rooms without using electricity

Good lighting is important in all rooms in the apartment or house in order to feel comfortable and comfortable. But in some rooms there is little natural light, so more electricity-consuming lamps are needed.

But there are also other ways of creating a pleasant, brighter ambience in dark rooms Put the following tips into practice!

1. Light colors in dark rooms

Light colors in dark rooms

White and light pastel colors are perfect for making poorly lit rooms appear brighter and larger. Light colors are especially perfect for small rooms, while  darker colors make the room smaller and absorb a lot of light.

Therefore paint the walls white or light  and furnish the room with the lightest possible furniture. Of course, you can also use different color elements for accessories or decorative objects: for pillows, a small table or other objects.

2. Mirrors in dark rooms

Mirrors are perfect for bringing more natural light into dark rooms. They also  look harmonious and bring balance to the room. Choose a large mirror with a light frame.

If you prefer a slightly different decoration,  you can also use several small mirrors to make the room appear larger. Choose strategic places to place the mirrors to bring more light into the room.

3. Glass door in dark rooms

Have you already thought of installing a glass door to let more light into the dark room? While this is an expensive expense, it can improve the ambience of the room and let in more natural light. 

This gives you an additional “window”. Use clear or solid-colored glass for the door. If you want to protect the room from prying eyes at certain times, you can also attach a curtain.

4. Glossy floor in dark rooms

Glossy floor in dark rooms

A glossy floor also makes the room appear brighter. You can use white, a pastel color, or a light wood color for this.

5. Skylights or portholes in dark rooms

Would you like to save energy and thus protect the environment and your wallet? How about a skylight or porthole to let more natural light into the room?

If it is an attic room, this is the best way to make the room brighter. This means a bigger expense, but you will have a bright room afterwards and can save electricity.


There are various ways of making dark rooms brighter in order to save electricity and create a pleasant, comfortable ambience. Do you know any other tips and tricks that might be helpful for our readers? We look forward to your comments and advice.

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