Mental Tricks That Help You Lose Weight

Do you know small but effective mental tricks that will help you achieve your desired weight better? You really work!

Mental tricks to help you lose weight

There are many mental tricks for all areas of life. And as you have probably already noticed in other situations, such little tricks can sometimes make a big difference.

Find out which mental tricks are there to help you lose weight!

Mental tricks in losing weight

There are, of course, many mental tricks in losing weight, and some people sell these for dearly money. They are not always effective, but often enough they are, which is why we don’t want to talk you out of the work of professionals in the fields of hypnosis, meditation, autosuggestion and motivational training.

But there are very “cheap” mental tricks that support you in everyday life to implement your diet more successfully.

It’s not difficult, just a little bit of getting used to! Even if you want to maintain your weight, mental tricks are suitable to maintain your new eating habits permanently. Try it!

Use small plates

One and the same portion of a meal looks much smaller on a large plate than on a small plate. The portion of pasta looks like a “heap of misery” on the large dinner plate, but like a large mountain on the small plate (dessert plate).

If your brain perceives the amount of food on the plate as “huge” through your eyes, you are suggesting to yourself that you have a very large portion in front of you and your brain does not notice that the portion is actually a little smaller .

Use large glasses

Mental tricks should help you to implement new eating habits better. This not only applies to weight loss, but also to everyday life, because a sufficiently large amount of fluids is important regardless of any diet.

Buy large glasses with a lot of capacity from about 300ml content. This way, the amount of a glass of water is up to twice as large and it is easier for you to drink the recommended amount.

There are also large “tea pots” with a capacity of at least 500ml. Get yourself large drinking vessels and suggest that you have drunk “a cup / glass”. That doesn’t sound like much, but it isn’t.

Count how often you chew

The better you chop up and salivate the food in your mouth, the better digestion works and you prevent digestive problems such as flatulence.

Thorough chewing also leads to slower eating and thus the feeling of fullness is more accurate.

If you eat quickly and hastily, it happens that by the time the signal is sent to your brain “full”, you have already shoveled the next portion into yourself.

If you eat slowly and with relish by chewing thoroughly, you give the message “full” more time to reach your brain and thus your consciousness.

So you eat less because you perceive the feeling of fullness exactly when you are full – and not when you have already eaten quantities of food beyond your hunger

So that you can develop a sense of proportion, you should know which portion of which food has how much nutritional value.

To do this, you weigh your portions at the beginning and note what the mountain looks like on your plate. This is how you develop a sense of proportion for the right amount.

If you have developed a good sense of proportion, you will know how much you take out of a bowl when you eat with several. And you know when the restaurant is over and when you’ve eaten enough.

A sense of proportion also helps in everyday life to maintain your dream weight.

Fill up!

Of course, some pack sizes of snacks are much larger than is good for you. And you know how difficult it is for you to stop when the package is still full. Even though you know it’s too much, you still keep eating, right?

The trick now is to transfer such snacks into real portion sizes immediately after buying them. Small storage jars, zip-lock bags etc. are ideal for this.

So you only take one portion with you in front of the TV and stop as soon as the “pack” is empty.

Place healthy foods in a visible place

A fruit basket on the table will whet your appetite for fruit. Fresh vegetables motivate you to cook yourself. If you surround yourself with such foods, your brain registers it and motivates you via your subconscious to also consume these things.

At the same time, keep unhealthy foods out of your sight. The best thing is not to have chocolate, chips, candy and other unhealthy foods in the house at all.

So you don’t tempt yourself either. You can’t eat what you don’t have in the house. Very easily!

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