Melatonin – Good For Our Health And Weight

Melatonin is a hormone that is only produced in the dark. That is why regular sleeping habits and good quality sleep are crucial.

Melatonin - good for our health and weight

Melatonin is a natural hormone that is produced by our body. This hormone has a wide variety of functions: it controls our biological rhythm, is part of many neuroendocrine and neurophysiological processes, stimulates our immune system, etc.

The hormone is also an extremely effective antioxidant and has many therapeutic effects.

Melatonin is produced in the pineal gland. The ancient Greeks and Romans called this organ “chair of the soul” because this is where psychological and somatic processes take place. You weren’t wrong with your name because the pineal gland controls all of the neuroendocrine centers of the hypothalamus.

So it is a hormone with excellent properties and is only released in the pineal gland in the dark.

However, there are also many everyday foods that contain it.  First, however, let’s take a look at the therapeutic properties.

Its calming effect regulates our biological day-night rhythm. Melatonin, when available, has been shown to help with insomnia, which is why it is also known as the sleep hormone.


It has the ability to keep our tissues in good condition and protect us from free radicals. The hormone is undoubtedly more efficient than other endogenous or exogenous elements, it also outperforms glutamine or vitamin E.

For this reason, many studies are currently looking into whether the hormone can also help with diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Protective substance for the immune system

It helps our immune system protect us from stress and viral diseases, and also works against premature aging.

That is, if our melatonin levels are adequate, which we can achieve through a healthy lifestyle and proper diet, we can benefit from the beneficial properties of this hormone.

Brings emotional turmoil into balance

The hormone especially helps weather-sensitive people. Correct melatonin levels are also important in menopausal women, as this is the period in which they often experience insomnia, mood swings, etc.

It can improve the quality of our sleep and keep our emotions in balance.

Helps you lose weight and produces good fats

Scientists have found that melatonin plays an important role in regulating our body weight by stimulating the production of “beige fat”. These are fat cells that burn calories instead of storing them.

In contrast to the white adipose tissue, which stores these calories and consequently increases weight, the beige fat (also known as good fat or slimming fat) helps us.

It can regulate body weight and also has a positive effect on our metabolism.

In what foods can we find melatonin?

  • Cherries are a natural source of melatonin and they also contain the important vitamins A, C and E.
  • Nuts:  Regular consumption of nuts, for example always in the morning, continuously increases our melatonin level. In one gram of nuts we find about 3.4 ng of this hormone.
  • Mustard is good for weight loss and also contains a large amount of melatonin.
  • Almonds are an excellent source of energy and also contain melatonin.
  • Bananas  are high in potassium and also provide us with melatonin, they act as a gentle sedative.
  • Goji berries : In addition to melatonin, these berries contain carotene and also provide us with a number of antioxidants. In addition, these fruits contain important fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, which stimulates fat burning. That is why the consumption of these berries is highly recommended.
  • Tomatoes:  Tomatoes have diuretic and antioxidant properties. They eliminate uric acid and cholesterol. They are also an important source of melatonin. Tomatoes allow us to absorb this hormone naturally, so they should be part of our diet.

    We would like to mention here again that this hormone can only be produced by our body in the dark.

    That is why sleep is very important. Take a rest and let the body work on its own. Don’t forget to eat a healthy diet. Melatonin is important to our health.

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