Marshmallow Root: Health Benefits And Side Effects

Real marshmallow is used in natural medicine for coughs, skin irritations and digestive problems. Learn more about this medicinal herb, its uses, and its side effects today. 

Marshmallow Root: Health Benefits and Side Effects

Common marshmallow  (Althaea officinalis) is an herbaceous plant from the mallow family that is native to Europe, Western Asia and North Africa. Marshmallow root extracts are used in cough syrup and skin care products, among other things.

But this root seems to have other very beneficial properties as well. However, there is little scientific evidence on the health effects,  as there have been very few studies on this plant that are also inadequate.

This is why many use marshmallow root as a supportive medicinal herb in  addition to other measures. It should not be forgotten that the common marshmallow can also have various side effects and interactions and should therefore only be taken according to a doctor’s recommendation.

The marshmallow root and its health benefits

The medicinal properties attributed to the marshmallow root are particularly due to the mucous substances it contains. It is a  gelatinous plant substance with enveloping, soothing properties. In the vernacular, the marshmallow root is therefore sometimes also called mucous root. Originally they were used to make marshmallows, but sugar and gelatine are now used for them.

The mucilage of the marshmallow root is also characterized by its antioxidant properties. Scientific studies suggest that these help with skin irritation and indigestion. Then, learn more about the top health benefits.

The marshmallow root helps with coughs and colds

The marshmallow root helps with coughs and colds
The common marshmallow is very efficient for a dry cough.

Cough syrups and cough drops with marshmallow root are very popular. The mucous substances it contains envelop the esophagus and relieve irritation. A study published in the journal Complementary Medicine Research shows that various agents containing marshmallow root extract can help with coughs.

A small study that appeared in the Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine found that children given marshmallow root, chamomile, and sage had less severe coughs and were  less likely to wake up at night than children given placebos.

The marshmallow root could therefore be helpful for flu symptoms and colds. However, further studies are necessary to confirm this scientifically. You can take marshmallow as a tea, in cough drops, or in cough syrup.

Real marshmallow against skin irritation

The marshmallow root has an anti-inflammatory effect and could therefore be  helpful in case of skin irritation, for example in the case of furunculosis, eczema or dermatitis. A revision published in the journal Advances in Dermatology and Allergology mentions that an ointment containing 20 percent marshmallow root extract is effective against skin irritation.

It is also assumed that topical products with marshmallow root extract can also counteract the negative effects of UV radiation and sun exposure. However, it is by no means a substitute for sunscreen, as this plant does not offer sufficient protection.

Marshmallow root for ulcers

The marshmallow root extract alone does not have the ability to prevent ulcers. But when combined with healthy lifestyle habits, it can reduce the risk of suffering from it. This emerges from a research on animals in the trade journal  Pharmaceutical Biosciences and Journa was published.

Various studies suggest that the mucilage and flavonoids in this plant are responsible for this beneficial effect. They seem to line the lining of the stomach, which helps prevent stomach ulcers from forming.

Other possible benefits of marshmallow root

  • Natural remedies with marshmallow root have shown a very positive effect against dry mouth.
  • This plant could also promote wound healing and scarring. It is also believed that marshmallow root could reduce the risk of infection.
  • It also has diuretic properties that could be very helpful in draining fluid retention in the tissue. However, caution should be exercised when doing this, especially if other treatments are also used.
Other possible benefits of marshmallow root
Common marshmallow can be helpful in the prevention and treatment of gastric ulcers.

possible side effects

Most adults tolerate the common marshmallow well and there are no undesirable side effects when ingested in modest amounts. However, some may experience stomach upset and dizziness. You should therefore start with a very small amount. It is best to seek advice from your doctor and follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the selected product exactly.

On the US health website WebMD you can read that the marshmallow root could also lead to very low blood sugar levels in some. There was also a lack of evidence on safety and effectiveness. Therefore, you should definitely avoid it in the following cases:

  • pregnancy and breast feeding period
  • Bleeding disorders
  • diabetes
  • Before and after surgery

In general, adverse reactions could occur  with lithium, drugs for diabetes, and other oral medicines. It is therefore imperative that you speak to your doctor before taking marshmallow, if you are receiving medical attention or are taking medicines.

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