Make Your Own Fabric Bags For Shopping

When it comes to environmental protection, we are all in demand. Therefore, it is a good idea to use cloth bags for shopping. You can easily make them yourself. Let your creativity flow!

Make fabric bags yourself for shopping

When it comes to environmental protection, we are all in demand. Therefore, it is a good idea to use cloth bags for shopping . You can easily make them yourself. Let your creativity flow!

The great thing is that with fabric bags you not only pay more attention to your environment and save money, you also have a new trendy accessory at the same time. You can give them your personal touch and use them in a variety of ways.

Plus, they’re a lot easier to sew than you might think. All you need is a little skill, time, and patience. Then your fabric bags will be a real eye-catcher. Learn how to do it step by step in this article.

Making cloth bags

Cloth bags for shopping

Currently, you often have to pay for bags in the supermarket. This change has already contributed to a large extent to the fact that less plastic is produced. However, there is more that you can do by foregoing it entirely.


  • 2 cloth napkins in your favorite color
  • 2 side bands
  • printed fabric for decoration (as required)
  • carton
  • yarn
  • needle
  • scissors
  • Chalk pen for the fabric
  • pencil
  • pin
  • sewing machine
  • Iron


The decoration

  1. Cut the cardboard into a rectangle (or any other shape you like) that measures 15 x 11 cm.
  2. Place the box on the printed fabric and use a chalk pen to transfer the shape. So your decoration is already ready. Allow about 2 cm extra so that you can make an overlap and the result is correct in the end.
  3. Iron the decoration that already marks the hem. This will make sewing easier for you.
  4. Use pins to attach it to one of the cloth napkins where you like it best, for example in the middle or in a corner.
  5. Sew around the decoration with a sewing machine or by hand. However, you should do the last step with the sewing machine so that the fabric bags are really resistant.

The pocket

  1. As soon as you have finished the decoration, place the second cloth napkin over it and secure it with pins as well. Remember that the decoration needs to stay between the two napkins as you will be sewing on the inner part of the bag.
  2. Sew three sides of the cloth napkins together. Make sure which side you should leave open so that the decoration is right.
  3. Prepare a triangle in the bottom corner of the bag and pin it in place. Sew the bottom of the bag like this. Repeat for the other corner.
  4. Use the sewing machine to add the hem to the upper area (which should remain open).

The handles

  1. Now it’s a matter of attaching the handles to the bag. To do this, cut the side bands 30 cm long. They can be longer if you want.
  2. Use the pins to attach the handles to the top of the bag.
  3. Sew them tight by making a rectangle and an X inside. Thus you give them and the bag more stability.

Ideas for original fabric bags

Colored fabric bags

With the previous step-by-step instructions you can conjure up very different fabric bags and use them as you wish. All you have to do is let your creativity run free.

  • You can use white fabric to paint and, for example, have your children help you with this. You don’t have to be a second Picasso to do this: Cut a potato in half and soak it in fabric paint. Afterwards you can use them for decoration or simply let your children get active.
  • Another option is to mix and match fabric napkins of different colors and printed fabric to create a unique style.
  • If you don’t feel like painting, you can simply write a special sentence on the bag. You don’t need more than a felt-tip pen for this.

As you can see, making fabric bags that are practical and trendy at the same time is pretty easy. Use a sewing machine to sew and look forward to your next purchase!

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