Loving Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Is Like Waiting For A Train At The Airport

When you love someone who doesn’t love you, it doesn’t always make sense to wait for the situation to change changes.

Loving someone who doesn't love you is like waiting for a train at the airport

Loving someone who doesn’t love you is as pointless as waiting for snow in midsummer, waiting at the gate for a train or wanting to sail a sailboat without a sail. It just doesn’t make sense and the time of waiting can be used better!

Who loves you doesn’t keep you waiting

It is painful to wait for someone who doesn’t love you to love you someday, maybe, maybe, and maybe someday.

Because in most cases the waiting time is a time of suffering, a sterile, wasted time of pain. The feelings are always the same, no age protects us from it, but knowledge and experience can teach us that it is not worth the waiting time.

If you know that the situation is clearly hopeless, that love has passed away or will never ignite, then stop holding on to the hope that your love will eventually meet with love.

Use the time better for yourself and grow with the situation instead of suffering and drowning from it.

Woman freedom

Get rid of hope

In moments when we only hope that our love will be returned or returned, we cling to this hope like the drowning man to a straw: pointless, doomed ourselves.

Also, get rid of your own illusions that you create for yourself in order to inspire your hope.

Often it is loneliness that leads us to imagine mutual love. With this we give ourselves the feeling that we are no longer quite so lonely, but in truth we are even more lonely, because what we take to be love is nothing but an illusion that lets us fall deep …

Just because the person you love doesn’t say, “I really don’t love you,” doesn’t mean they love you after all.

Stop clinging to such illusions. Whoever loves you will tell you. Those who do not love you will not tell you what they think because there is no need for them. So do not wait for it, get rid of such thoughts and get rid of such illusions!

The situation of a lack of reciprocal love relates not only to unrequited love from still strangers, but also to one’s own partner.

When love is lost, when only one of the two partners loves, then there is often an illusion in relationships and marriages that can only be maintained through the hope of one partner.

The only reason this does not die is because one partner does not want to be true what is happening and the other does not express what he feels.

End this false partnership that only causes suffering and no longer happiness! Get rid of the hope that things may change!


Accept the pain

The moment we fully realize that our love will and will not meet with love, this realization hits us with pain and we feel sadness through the loss.

It is important to accept and process this pain in order to get out of the situation and ultimately bury hope forever. As with any loss, grief has four phases:

  • Negation (“It can’t be that he doesn’t love me!”)
  • Strong emotions (“The idiot! Why doesn’t he love me? I hate him!”)
  • Search, find, let go (“I think everything was just an illusion anyway”)
  • New beginning through acceptance (“I am ready for a new love”)

You too have to go through these four phases of grief, if you realize that a person you love does not love you and your feelings are not reciprocated, your emotions come to nothing …

Do not lose your own dignity through nonsensical hopes and thoughts such as “if I do this or that, he might love me” or “whoever has loved me once will love me again”.

Do not get lost in such self-destructive tops that revolve over and over again about the fact that there is ultimately no other solution than accepting the situation and letting go in order to become free again.

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