Love Knows No Age, No Wrinkles And No Time

It depends on the intensity of love, not on the duration

Love knows no age, no wrinkles and no time

Love knows no time, has no best-before date and does not stop at old age.

If it catches us, the most important thing is how we feel. It doesn’t matter how long this love lasts, because some love affairs are remembered for a lifetime, even though they were only brief …

Love knows no time

Sometimes a love affair only lasts one summer and yet it is that great love that we will remember all our lives.

Sometimes a love experience lasts from the first day of school to the last day and on each of those many days both are sure that there is only one love.

Sometimes, however, the feeling of love only accompanies parts of life, the right love relationship for each phase in life.

No matter how long the feeling of love lasts, it is important that it is true, an intense feeling that you keep as treasure in your heart like in a safe. A love that gives strength, inspires, lets us grow and strengthens us is what counts. No matter how long this time lasts!

Dear married couple

Love knows no age

Who says very young people, teenagers, can’t have true love too? Who says that the feeling of love is only “true” in old age? And who actually says that this feeling becomes dull in old age?

Love knows no age! When Cupid shoots his arrows, people of all ages can be hit and they all feel this unique feeling of love.

Of course it feels different for everyone and of course there are the “young” and the “mature” love experiences. But the feeling itself doesn’t know age.

Love knows no wrinkles

Whoever loves a person has taken this person firmly into his heart. It does not matter whether, over time, wrinkles or gray hair adorn the outer shell of what you have fallen in love with.

Wherever love falls, there it opens up like a seed after a warm summer rain, the feeling itself makes you blind to wrinkles, because it is the essence of the person that love feeds on.

To love a person means to love his totality and not to attach this to externals.

Love walk

Is there such a thing as eternal love?

Not everyone believes that there is only true and eternal love, but rest assured, there is!

Not everyone is lucky enough to find the “love of life” in their life, the absolute soul mate who sweeten your life from day one and from then on the rest of life is there for you.

What is the difference between “eternal lovers” and those who do not manage to feel love for one another for the rest of their lives?

  • The basic pillars of such eternal love experiences are to support one another, to forgive, to be patient and to give as much as to take.
  • These pillars must have a balanced equilibrium in both partners, otherwise the love construct will stand on a lopsided foundation.
  • Eternal love includes the mutual strengthening of the self-confidence of the other. Whoever values ​​and supports the partner does this automatically.
  • In couples who live eternal feelings of love, everyone also lives their own personality, a life without disguising, hiding or hiding traits, ideas and preferences.
  • Couples who enjoy the eternal happiness of love are masters at building bridges in conflicts, forgiving and never going to bed with resentment for each other. So that every day ends as it began: in love.
Love of a couple

That “together” counts

To preserve a couple’s love affair forever, it’s also important to work on it together. Don’t see it as hard work, but “nothing comes from nothing”.

  • Problems of a partner are mastered together. Nobody is left alone with their worries and problems.
  • Worries are shared, solutions are sought together, and each other is supported.
  • Goals are defined together and pursued together. Small or large goals: Both are pulling in the same direction at the same time. With the same force.
  • Egoism takes a back seat in successful love affairs. What counts is not the “I” but the “we”.
  • Each partner takes care of the other. But here, too, what counts is the balance, the “together”, not the one-sided care and mothering.

The magic of togetherness

Shared experiences strengthen every relationship. It’s not always easy in everyday life, but shopping together, where everyone shows the other what they like, can be a nice shared experience.

Discover the things that are possible together in everyday life, spend your time together, experience the happiness of togetherness even in the small things, but give each of you space for your own development.

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